17- Workout

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I just woke up and maybe it's going to sound weird but I'm kinda getting used to wake up in that guest room... shame it's the last full day I'm spending here. Anyway it's better if I don't think about it cause Tashi and I decided to spend literally all day together, even all night. That's not a problem I'll just sleep in the car on my way back home, I'm going to have a lot of time to kill anyway. I got up and went in the kitchen were Jennifer and Emme were sitting and talking about something. I joined them and one by one everybody else woke up and joined us. We ate and after getting dressed up Natasha and I decided to hang out in her room.

N- So are you ready for tonight?
A- Yeah I had a pretty long night so I won't be too tired
N- Good but anyway we'll have to be quiet so we don't disturb anyone
A- I know you already told me like a 100 times haha
N- I just don't want to get in trouble too much
A- I can keep it down. That's more a conversation you should have with yourself after laughing so loud last night
N- Omg it's your fault you're the one sending me funny stuff
A- Calm down I'm just joking haha
N- Yeah yeah

I look trough the window and I saw Jennifer, Alex and Ella in sport clothes and I think they were going to workout.

A- I think you need to spend your mad energy
N- What? Are you okay? Haha
A- I'm fine but what about you?
N- Okay what do you want?
A- Nothing...
N- I know you, you're acting all weird when you don't want to ask something
A- Hum
N- I noticed that with all the time you spent here... you can ask me what you want
A- Yeah Okay
N- Well go tell me haha
A- I saw Jennifer, Ella and your dad and I think they are going to workout so I was just wondering if you think we could join them?
N- Of course well give me a second I'll ask Ella

She got up and went to the window and opened it. She tried to get Ella's attention.

Ella- What do you want Tashi??
N- Are you guys working out?
Ella- Yeah well we're gonna start when daddy comes back
N- Can we join?
Ella- Okay but hurry up!
N- Alright wait for us

She turns to me.

N- See it wasn't that complicated now go put on sport clothes and meet me here after
A- Okay captain haha

We laughed and I went in my room to dress up with the right clothes. When I got out Natasha was waiting for me in the hallway and we went to get some water bottles before going outside to join the others.

Ella- Finally there
N- We weren't that long haha
Alex- No it's okay
Jen- So you girls wanted to workout too
A- Yeah
Alex- That's kind of a hard one, are you used to workout Alice?
A- Yes I do since I have a lot of practices with my team
Ella- Alright then let's start

At first it was pretty hard but it wasn't that bad. At least I'll be in better shape and when I watched their workout I always wanted to participate so here I am. When we finished Ella, Tashi and I decided to go in the pool, Max and Emme joined us a little after. The rest of the day was pretty relax until the dinner. While we were eating, we were talking about what to do after eating and Jennifer came up with an idea.

Jen- We can go to the beach to see the sunset
Emme- Oh yeah good idea
Alex- I think everybody's down for that
N- Well I am
A- Me too
Ella- Yeah
Max- Okay

So that's what we did after eating. We all changed in warmer clothes and went down to the beach. I sat between Natasha and Emme on one of the big towels we brought there.

A- It's so beautiful
N- I know right
A- I just love watching sunsets or sunrises
Emme- Yeah me too
N- I always feel like time stops
A- That's true
Emme- Plus we are in the beach so I wouldn't mind staying here forever haha
A- Me neither

When it started to get darker we went back to the house and made a fire in the backyard. Alex putted some music on and Jennifer started to sing so a little after we were pretty much all singing and dancing on the music until it was around 11 pm when we decided to go to sleep. While I was getting my pyjamas on Natasha texted me to come in her room at 11:30 so that's what I did...

I know this chapter was a little shorter but I prefer making 2 shorter chapters then 1 big so yeah I hope you liked it anyway and I'll try to update the suite soon. 💗💗

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