7- Far away

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Yesterday I went to the airport with Natasha and I still can't believe the last days I mean first I met Jlo and the next day I hangout all night with Natasha. All things I never thought would happen to me. When I open Instagram I see that she posted some of the pictures we took and she said "never thought I would see you one day miss you already" aww she's cute and I totally agree with her. She was supposed to call me when she was at the hotel. It won't be long. Yeah right she just called me.

N- Hey we're finally arrived.
A- Hey where are you?
N- In Spain
A- Oh cool so you're going to learn Spanish right? haha
N- Si si hablo español
A- You'll teach me someday?
N- Yeah when I'll be able to say something else that hola or te amo. No but honestly I know some words but yeah I'm not so good haha
A- Sad I thought you knew and I wanted private Spanish classes haha
Ella- Then Tashi just ask daddy or Jen to teach you
A- Hi Ella
Ella- Hey
N- You can come here on the camera if you want Ella
Ella- Yeah no I'll call daddy I'm hungry I want to know when we're going to go eat...
N- It's 4 pm Ella
A- Doesn't matter it's always time to eat Natasha
Ella- Yeah listen to her
N- Anyway I'm happy we're staying here a little longer cause Jen's doing a couple of cities
A- What's after Spain?
N- I think it's France and first stop to Paris.
A- Oh you'll get to speak French
N- Yeah promise you when we're leaving France I'll have a French conversation with you
A- Alright can't wait to hear that and remember me to put record when we'll talk haha
N- Hum yeah laugh all you want I'm going to leave you shook with my talent for languages.
A- Yeah why not start by learning Spanish then?

Ella starts laughing and I follow her I can't wait to that incredible French conversation. Then I hear somebody knocking on their door.

Alex- Hey girls I wanted to let you know that Jen, Max, Emme and I are going to get ice cream you want to come with us?
Ella- Wait for me!

She looks at me.

A- You can go only if you send me pics of the city I never been there and I wanna see
N- Alright deal. Ella tell them to wait for me please
Ella- Okay but hurry up
N- Yeah yeah
A- I guess bye then.
N- Yeah bye and I'll text you cause I don't think I'll have to to call sorry.
A- Okay sad but call me when you want to talk in French haha
N- Funny funny ok I have to go I'll send you your pics bye love ya

Natasha's POV

I hang up and run out the hotel. They were trying to go without me...

N- Hey Ella didn't tell you to wait for me
Alex- Yes but it was so long I was about to call you to see if you still wanted to come
N- Hum yeah right

The cabs they called arrived soon after and I got in one with Jen and Emme. We're going somewhere near a beach I guess cause we're driving near one and it's beautiful. We are arrived and we all order something and decided to walk on the beach. I took the pictures Alice asked me and I added Jen in one of them just for her cause I knew she would be happy to see her "live" and yeah she answered "thank for taking Jennifer in one she looks as amazing as the view haha love ya 💗"

Emme- Tashi?
N- Yeah
Emme- Ella doesn't want to come with me so can you come in the water with me?
N- Oh yeah good idea I'm in shorts so I'll be okay let me get my shoes of and I'll come.

We stayed there for like an hour and then we went back to the hotel spending all night just me, Ella, Max and Emme in my room. The next few days were shows and I attended to some of them and we finally took of to France. I love to go on tour but I kinda miss home and my friends.

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it even though it was a little shorter 💗

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