19- Surprise

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Natasha's POV

Today is Alice's birthday and I promised her that I would call so that's what I'll do but before I have to find a quiet spot cause I know Ella and Emme are gonna come...It doesn't bother me that much when they come but I want to talk alone with Alice first. Good nobody's outside I'll go there. I call and she picks up.

N- Hey!!
A- Hey
N- Happy birthday!!!
A- Thanks haha
N- Now you're old haha
A- You are older than me...
N- Good point haha
A- So what's up with you?
N- Nothing except I'm starting school again tomorrow...
A- Yeah me too
N- Let's not talk about that it's boring haha are you popular yet with your vacations?
A- Girl 2 of my friends were interested in hearing about the party haha
N- Shame cause it was fun
A- Yeah
N- What are you doing for your birthday?
A- Nothing as usual
N- No gifts?
A- Money but that's all
N- Well no cause I've got something for you...but it's coming later
A- No you really didn't need to get me something
N- You gave me one so I'll give you one
A- Partying at your house...I don't know if it was more profitable for me or for you haha
N- My gift is also a good thing for me don't worry about that
A- What is it?
N- I can't tell cause it's not sure yet but if it works you'll get it in the mail
A- Okay...

We continue to talk for a moment but then I see Ella and Emme coming in my direction. They probably saw I was on FaceTime.

Ella- Hey
A- Hey Ella
Emme- I'm here too!
A- Hey Emme
Ella- Happy birthday!
A- Thanks but how do you know haha
N- She's a little spy
Ella- maybe...
Emme- So did Tashi talked to you about...
Emme- Oh right I forgot sorry haha
A- Wait they know?
Ella- Of course we know she always needs our help haha
N- Not always
Emme- Well for that you have more chances with our help
N- Yeah
A- Okay but when am I going to know? I'm excited cause it looks pretty big
Ella- You should be excited and if you are not when you know what it is I think I'm gonna kill you
A- Alright haha
N- That's not excessive at all haha
Ella- No but it's just a lot of work
A- Looks like haha
Emme- Oh and by the way we know about your trip to the pool in the middle of the night
N- Wait what?
A- When I was there I think
Ella- Exactly
A- So you saw the pictures I guess
Ella- No we heard you
N- What?
Ella- Well I heard some noise so I texted Emme until she answered
Emme- Then I went in her room and we saw the pool lights
A- See I told you someone would notice the lights
N- It doesn't change anything cause you would know later anyway
Ella- No but it shows that I'm a good spy haha
A- I guess you are haha

After talking for like an hour Alice had to go so I talked to Jennifer and my dad about my plan. I think it's starting to work but to make sure Emme and Ella are going to insist too a little later.

I know it was a really short chapter but I have a lot of things to do and I'm trying my best. Also the next chapters should be more complete cause I already have the main idea of where I want to go. Anyway thanks for reading 💗💗

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