20- Invitation

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It's been a month since Tashi kinda teased me about her secret surprise but she haven't talked to me about it so I don't know if it's working or not. I guess I just have to wait...

1 hour after

My mom just brought me an envelope for me, she said she found it in the mail. Natasha's address is written on it so it's probably her surprise. I'm kinda stressed to see what is it cause it looks like something big. I open it and...OMG She can't be serious!!!!! That's crazy!! I just have to call her and she better answer

N- Hey!
N- Wait what?
A- Your surprise! This has to be a joke or a dream I don't know
N- Ohhhhh you got it okay now I understand haha
A- HOW???
N- How what you're not excited to be invited?
A- Of course I am look at me!!
N- Yeah I can see that but it's just the invitation not even the event haha
A- No but it's the BEST invitation I can get
N- I have to say that my dad's wedding is gonna be something haha
A- Girl how did you get me invited anyway???
N- First, when you left I was thinking about the next time I would see you and I was thinking summer but I'll be pretty occupied with the wedding plus I'm gonna be with my mom for a while and she doesn't know you anyway
A- That's a pretty long first haha
N- I know but I also know that you want to know everything
A- You lost me with that haha
N- Just let me finish then haha okay Second, I thought there's gonna be a lot of people there so I mean why Emme, Ella and I wouldn't be able to choose one...
A- Maybe because it's not your wedding
N- Are you gonna let me finish!!
A- Yeah sorry haha
N- So yeah I knew that Jennifer and my dad like you cause they said you weren't a lot of trouble while you were here and you were sweet with everybody in the fam. I talked to Emme and Ella about it and they joined to my plan. After like 2 weeks of negotiation parents said yes.
A- Thanks a lot to the girls and you that's must have been a lot of work
N- It was but I'm glad you're coming
A- Yeah about that...I REALLY want to go but tell me how I'm gonna convince my parents to let me go in Italy. It was already hard enough for Miami...
N- That's why we thought about everything
A- You thought about how I'm gonna pay for 2 flights and everything else...
N- Yeah cause you won't have to pay for going there
A- You're right I'll use teleportation
N- No stupid haha we're gonna pick you up at the airport
A- What?
N- With the jet
A- Excuse me WHAT?
N- I know you heard me and you think it's crazy but can I continue haha
A- No you can't I mean do you understand what you are saying??
N- Yes I do
A- My head and my heart are about to explode
N- Before it happens ask me your question and I'll answer you
A- Ok so do I have to pay everything for like my hotel room and stuff?
N- Nope cause you're gonna be sharing one with me!!
A- Oh that's going to be epic haha
N- Yesss
A- Do I have to bring like a gift or something like that to pay my part?
N- I don't think so cause you're considered in the fam in the invitations but if you want
A- I think I'm gonna cry
N- Told you they liked you
A- I don't know what to say I mean what do I have to pay to go there?
N- Okay so you're gonna have two choices for returning home
A- Tell me
N- After the wedding there's a honeymoon that's the moment where Jen and my dad are going away so Ella and I are gonna be with our mom and Max and Emme are gonna be with Marc
A- And I'm alone
N- No you're gonna be with my mom, Angel, Ella and I
A- Okay but what's the choice?
N- Well you will have the choice to take the first flight to go home or to stay a few days with us and leaving the same day but you don't have to decide this right now
A- My question was also what do I have to pay?
N- The flight back home and probably a few meals if you decide to stay cause of course if we're going to a restaurant you won't pay cause we're not bitches. You won't have to pay any breakfast cause it's with the hotel room but maybe some lunches or things you want to buy.
A- Alright I'll discuss it with my parents but it's a really reasonable thing I think haha
N- Yup
A- Anyway It doesn't bother your mom to have to like my responsibility?
N- Not really I mean Ella and I did a good job talking good about you haha
A- Okay I'll go talk to my parents about it and I'll let you know
N- Alright good luck
A- Thanks a lot again
N- No problem happy birthday haha

I hung up and I was stayed there thinking. Everything is going so fast and every time it's crazier...well it's gonna be hard to do crazier than that. I went in the living room to talk to my parents. I'm really scared they are going to refuse cause Italy is pretty far and I'll have to take the plane alone once but Natasha did a good job on the money side she's the best.

2 days later

My parents finally took their decision and I have to call Tashi to let her know.

A- Hey!!
N- Hey you look pretty happy I guess you have good news
A- Yessss! I can go!!! But it's not sure if I'll stay for the days after
N- I don't care the important is that you're coming!!!
A- I can't wait!
Ella- Hey
A- Hey Ella
Ella- So can you come?
A- Yes I can!!
Ella- Cool it's gonna be fun
N- Yeah

We talked until they had to go and now I just have to wait for like 3 months to see them again and also attend to the wedding...

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it 💗

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