9- Back home

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Natasha's POV

It's been 2 days since we're back home and I'm so tired, I guess it's the jet lag... Anyway I still got very interesting things to tell Alice. When I call her she picks up yes

A- Hey
N- Hey what's up
A- I went to the store with my mom to buy school supplies since we're starting next week
N- Right this summer was way too fast
A- I know but it was probably the best
N- Oh yeah totally agree
A- I just started missing my synchronized swimming team
N- Righttt you better send me videos when you're starting again
A- Yeah don't worry anyway what did you do?
N- I slept pretty much all day
A- Jet lag is hard haha
N- Yeah but not just for me
A- Who wakes up at 3 am? Haha
N- Nobody but Ella is talking and I just don't have words to describe
A- What did she said?
N- Well last night we were watching tv and Jen went in the kitchen to get cookies cause she was hungry
A- What's her obsession with cookies haha
N- I don't know haha anyway, she comes back and like she offers us if we want some and...
A- And what??? You can't stop there
N- Sorry I heard someone in the hallway but it's gone now so yeah she offers Ella and she's like "yes please" and when Jen gives her she goes "thanks mom"...
A- No... really? Was it cute or awkward
N- Well we were all shook and staring at Ella. I mean you should have seen the faces Jennifer and Ella were making it was priceless
A- What did Jennifer said??
N- Nothing she just went back in the kitchen followed by my dad. Ella was kinda freaking out but I mean it's cute but she better not talk about that in front of mom
A- Yeah not the best idea
N- But while we were talking to her she sent me spy on parents and I can tell you that Jen was freaking out too
A- I bet she didn't eat cookies after that haha
N- No she was just going like "what was that baby? Was it an error? Did she meant it? What am I supposed to say? Should I be happy?" While my dad was just trying to calm her down saying that " it's just proof she likes you a lot cause even if she didn't mean it she said it subconsciously. Maybe you should be happy"
A- Awww that's cute though but what happened when they came back
N- Well Ella apologized saying that she was just tired and Jen told her it was alright and that she didn't expected that
A- God is it still kinda weird today
N- Not really except I think my dad is a bit too happy about it I mean he looks at them like they are a new couple
A- Oh my god that must be so funny
N- Yeah it is but I understand him it's kind of a proof that their stepfamily is working well
A- No big news
N- True we have a good bond since the beginning they are all so sweet
A- Right
N- Shut up!
A- Why?
N- I hear Jennifer talking in the hall
Then we just shut up and listen
Jen- Baby why are you looking at me like that
Alex- You're so beautiful
Jen- Yeah right no seriously
Alex- Alright because of yesterday. How do you feel about it?
Jen- Better, I'm starting to think maybe it's a good thing
Alex- See I told you
Jen- Did you talk to Ella about it?
Alex- No not yet you think I should?
Jen- Well maybe I don't know but I think we should go somewhere else to talk
Alex- Why nobody's here
Jen- Well we're close to Natasha's room, I don't know where she is and I don't want her to hear everything
Alex- Alright lets go
They are walking away
N- Okay they left, you heard well?
A- Yeah and sorry Jen but it's too late
N- Oops haha no but they are the worst at talking "secretly"
A- I can see that but she stopped it
N- Sad I want more infos
A- Me too but I feel like Ella's going to have a little discussion later today
N- Yeah I'll keep an eye on her I want to know everything
A- You're the worst haha
N- Everybody likes to spill the tea right
A- Right go find her
N- Alright call you soon
A- Yeah you better haha
N- I will I will bye

Ok now I just need to find Ella. She was outside playing volleyball with Emme so I joined them until daddy came to talk to her. I went inside and I tried to be discrete while listening to them and yeah I was right daddy's fine with it he's happy that she looks at Jennifer like she was her mom. Anyway I think I'll just go outside with Emme I think she's in the pool with Jen now.

Thanks for reading I hope you liked it and I'll try to update more

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