18- All night

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Natasha's POV

I hear someone knocking on my door but I know it's Alice cause I told her to come.

N- Open up!
A- Hey so what were you planning?

She sits on my bed just making herself comfortable.

N- Well first we can watch something on Netflix to let everybody fall asleep and then I planned a little surprise
A- Sounds good but can you tell me why I'm kinda scared haha
N- I don't know you have nothing to worry about
A- I guess haha

I rolled my eyes and we started laughing. I got up to get my laptop and opened it on Netflix. We chose a funny show and before starting it I had an idea.

N- Hum there's something missing
A- What?
N- Do you want to eat something?
A- Yeah sure
N- Okay come with me
A- And we're gonna forget you told me we should wait until they fall asleep...
N- We are gonna be quiet
A- Okay let's go then

We went to the kitchen trying to not make any noise but it was hard. We picked 2 bags of chips and one box of cookies and while we were there we filled our water bottles so we won't have to get out later...well almost. So when we got back we sat down on the bed, made ourselves comfortable, opened the chips and the cookies and started the show. Since it was a funny show we couldn't stop laughing and it wasn't better with the looks we were making at each other to make each other shut up when we were laughing louder. It was a lot of fun actually and I'm so glad we had this idea. I paused the episode when it was around 1:30 am.

A- What are you doing? You want to sleep?
N- If I want to sleep? Are you crazy haha
A- Alright then let me press play then
N- No cause I think it's time
A- Time for what?
N- My idea I was talking to you about earlier
A- Oh yeah what is it?
N- Well I don't know about you but I think it's pretty hot outside
A- Of course we're in Miami haha
N- So do you want to go swimming to cool down?
A- Good idea give me one sec I'll go put on my swimsuit
N- Yesss I'll put mine on and I'll wait for you here

She gets out of my room while I put on my swimsuit and when she gets back we start to go outside. I'm going to put the pool lights on while she gets in the water.

A- Don't you think someone's going to notice the lights?
N- No not if they are sleeping
A- Yeah you're right
N- I know I am haha

We took some cute pics using her phone for lighting and mine to take pictures.

A- Finally we abandoned discretion
N- Why?
A- Well if we're gonna post the pics Ella and your dad are gonna see it
N- I don't care it was worth it haha
A- Anyway send them to me
N- Of course
A- Thanks
N- Now maybe we should get out
A- Yeah we've been there for what? 30 mins haha
N- I think
A- Go and I'll follow you

I get out, close the lights and start to walk get inside but when we get close to the door I turn and push Alice away.

A- What are you doing?
N- Shut up my dad is in the kitchen...
A- Wait what
N- I think he's eating something
A- Okay but what are we doing?
N- We have to wait I guess
A- That's kinda funny
N- What's funny in that?
A- If he sees the pictures you can just ask him how was in snack he took in the middle of the night
N- Oh yeah haha

A few minutes after he went away so we could finally get back in my room to watch more of the show and to talk. I think we slept like an hour or two but I don't care it was just perfect and I think we needed to sleep a little so we wouldn't be too suspicious tomorrow.

Next day

Today I have to go...I wish I could stay longer here cause I know it's gonna be really long before I get to see Natasha again. After eating breakfast I end to my room to pack the rest of my things.

N- I don't want you to go
A- I don't want to go either
N- Well you should move in Miami haha
A- Alright now find a way to convince my parents haha
N- I'd rather not it was hard enough to just get you here haha
A- Yeah

I see Jennifer coming in the room.

Jen- Did you finish packing?
A- Yeah I just finished
Jen- Great cause I think your parents are outside
A- Oh okay well we're coming

I get up, take my bags and I start walking with Natasha. When we got outside my parents were talking with Alex and Jennifer went to join them so I said bye to everybody else.

A- Bye guys! I hope I'll get to see you soon
Ella- Bye! And don't worry I'll try to sneak in when Tashi's gonna be on FaceTime with you
Emme- I'll sneak in too haha
Max- Bye see you soon!
N- I'll miss you and don't worry I'll call you on your birthday
A- You better haha

I went to thank Jennifer and Alex for having me and before leaving i hugged Natasha for a last time, then I got in the car and my dad started to drive back home.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it 💗

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