14- Beach day

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I wake up with someone knocking on my door. I don't want to get up cause I haven't really slept it was just too crazy but I also want to get up... idk. I hear Natasha through the door.

N- Get up or I'm coming in!!
A- Just come in and stop screaming

She comes in

N- Good morning
A- Hey
N- How are you?
A- Can you pinch me please I think I'm still dreaming haha

She sits down on my bed look at me and punches my shoulder.

A- Wait I said pinch or punch?
N- Pinch but it was funnier like that haha
A- So damn funny
N- Did you sleep at all last night? You look tired.
A- Not really I was just thinking about all of this
N- Yeah okay you want me to leave you alone?
A- No stay and we're just gonna relax a little
N- Well you know where I planned to relax? Cause I think you'll want to get up after I tell you...
A- Where?
N- What about the beach?
A- Okay let's go eat breakfast then I'm absolutely ready haha
N- Alright come on
A- Oh wait I can't get out looking like that I mean...
N- No one cares it's normal to be in pyjamas in the morning and you always look good so get out and come with me haha
A- Okay Okay thank you

When we got in the kitchen Jennifer and Ella were already making some snacks to bring at the beach. After eating we packed some things, putted on swimsuits and started to drive to the beach. I thought there was gonna be lot of people but finally not that much.

A- This is so weird I feel like everyone is staring
N- Yeah everybody is but they are gonna stop later
A- I hope cause I never felt observed that much haha
N- Yeah they're staring at you like who's that girl? She's prettier than jlo
A- you're so stupid haha

We dropped our stuff somewhere kinda far from everybody. Without hesitation Max and Ella just started running in the water and a little after Emme, Tashi and I joined them.

A- I thought the water was gonna be so cold but not that much
N- No it's just refreshing
A- Yeah it's so hot here. I don't miss the snow haha

Before she started talking Ella's volleyball hits her head.

N- Are you serious Ella
Ella- Sorryyyy haha
N- Yeah Yeah you are sorry
Ella- I am come on give it back to me
N- Ok but one condition
Ella- What?
N- What about a little competition... if you win you keep the ball but if I win I keep it
Ella- I'm down! Want to put some rules before I destroy you?
N- 3 parts, first one to drop it looses and if the ball is impossible to catch it doesn't count
Ella- Sounds fair

Natasha gets out of the water and I follow her. I stay on the side with Max and Emme, we're ready to see that match. First part, it was close but Ella won. Second part was a win for Tashi so everything was on the last part.

Ella- Ready to loose?
N- Not sure about that cause maybe I could use a little help...

She looks at me

A- Okay
Ella- Yeah like that's fair
Max- I'm taking your side and Emme too come on
N- 3 vs 2
Max- Yeah but we're younger haha
N- And we're stronger

Well finally we weren't stronger and we continued playing even after the manche we lost it was fun even though it was pretty hard to win some points. After a little while Tashi and I got some help.

Alex- Hey girls I've been watching you and do you want some help?
N- Sure
Ella- No you can't help you're too strong
A- Well 3 vs 3 seems fair to me haha
Max- If Alex can help then mommy comes with us
Emme- I'll ask her. Mommy??
Jen- Yeah lulu what do you want?
Emme- Come play with us cause Alex is too strong
Jen- Alright I can do that
Ella- Okay now team huddle up!

After planning some strategies we started playing for almost an hour and it was very fun. Since everybody was hungry we sat down and ate the snacks Jennifer and Ella prepared this morning. Then Natasha and I decided to just sit down and tan.

N- Enjoying your time here?
A- Is that even a question haha
N- Yeah I don't want to think of when you'll have to go
A- Me neither, I don't want to get back to my basic life I'm good here
N- Nobody's gonna see you as a basic girl after you told everybody about your vacation
A- I'll still be basic girl for pretty much everybody cause jlo is not that important if you ask my friends
N- Well they are wrong. They should look at the world more haha
A- I guess haha

We went back home a little later and it was a pretty relax evening, I guess everybody was kinda tired from the beach. I was in my room ready to sleep but I got a text from Natasha... what does she wants? It's not like she can't get up haha.

N- Tonight you sleep
A- I can't sleep if you text me haha
N- Right I'll leave you alone but sleep cause tomorrow's going to be a big day
A- Yess we're gonna partyyyyy haha
N- Yeah now good night!
A- Good night

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it. I'm finishing school this week so I'll be able to update more after.

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