Chapter Seventeen

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"P-phil that's such a direct question. I-I don't know." Dan looked anywhere but at Phil. "Dan, were friends-"

"What if we aren't-"

"I think we are-"

"Not that Phil. I j-just I feel like you're right and I'm scared I guess." Dan bit his nails.

"But why Dan, we can be honest with each other. Just take your time-"

"That's just it Phil- I think we're awesome friends yeah, and yet everytime I'm around you, you're all I can think about. And- and I feel my heart racing and it just I don't know why I feel like this!" Dan threw himself on the floor curling in a ball. Knees to chest as he hid his head.

"Dan..." Phil kneeled next to the other boy. "Would you like to talk about it?" Dan shook his head as his lip quivered.

"Oh Dan, I'm sorry" Phil snaked his arms around Dan as he ran his fingers through Dan's hair reasurring Dan with comforting words. Dan closed his eyes trying to drown out the world. Phil leaned his head against the cupboard frowning as he also closed his eyes.

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