Chapter Thirty

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"Would you want to do it again?" Phil asked nervously. "I- sure" Dan shrugged as his face grew brighter and he felt hot all over. "O-okay" Phil tilted his head leaning into Dan. Dan's eyes dilated and his heart thumped. Did I want this? He asked himself as he began to panic. Phil pulled back "Dan?" He asked looking at the brown eyed boy. "I-I can't" Dan's eyes flickered anywhere but Phil's face.

"Hey, I'm sorry if you're scared." Phil frowned watching as Dan ran off. Phil looked down at his lap as tears stung his eyes. Hearing soft footsteps PJ bent down next to Phil. "Hey, wanna talk?" He asked sorrow on his face. "Dan enjoyed our last kiss and when I asked him if he wanted another he must of been scared then he ran off" Phil explained looking down at his hands.

"Just..." PJ sighed "give him time, he's scared to admit his feelings that are anything more than platonic for someone. He'll come around I promise" PJ stood up and embraced Phil in a warm hug letting him cry on PJ's pink sweatshirt. PJ hushed Phil "it's going to be okay" he whispered to the older boy.

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