Chapter 25

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Raise your hand if you got played by Art's dad lmao

That is Quinn everyone💦

*Three days later*


Arthur's p.o.v

"I'm just....l-lazy, Art."

"You're bad at math, just admit it."

I chuckle when Jake cutely tilts his head to a side with a pout, "nuh uh, I am a tutor.....make, please" he bats his eyelids and my eyebrows go up when he pushes his homework in front of me. "Please please?"

He lays down on the table busying himself with playing with my fingers under the table and I know exactly why he's being like this. His little spoiled ass is trying to cuddle.

Sadly we're not alone...

Annoyed by the third person that decided to join us out of nowhere today, I turn to look at the person across us, "so when are you planning on leaving" I ask with a blank expression pointing towards the door with my thumb.

"After I graduate" Quinn answers casually and I sigh in annoyance while Jake just giggles at his remark.

"That's n-not what he meant, Quinn" Jake laughs and then realization hits him that I'm referring to something else.

"Oooooh, you want me to leave? Like in...walk out and leave y'all alone? I thought you were talking about something else, bruh. Real shit" Quinn snickers but stops when he realizes that he's the only one laughing. I've never wanted to hit someone that much in my life.

After the usual hardcore practice and exercises coach makes us do, I came straight to Jake's spot, the library, since I'll be leaving as soon as our break is over. Quinn just followed me because his homies are absent and he's been running his mouth since we came here.

"You gone make me a sandwich next time too?" he asks Jake for the hundredth time today.

"No" I answer for Jake and I quickly get a hold of his small hands when he tries to hit me. 'He's my baby, not yours', why the fuck would he make you a sandwich just because he made me one.

"Be nice, Art" he says softly.


"Yeah" he giggles breathlessly when I grip his waist. "T-ticklish" he laughs wiggling around, but I don't let go and throw my arm around his shoulder to lock him from moving away. We stop when Quinn who's bewilderedly staring at my arm around Jake's shoulder clears his throat. He's probably wondering why he's sitting one inch away from my lap.

Oh well..

Jake gestures for me to come closer and I tilt my head to his side when he covers the side of his mouth to whisper, "is he okay?" with a concerned look on his face. Quinn's mouth is hanging wide open while he swiftly moves his hands around like he's crazy.

"I KNEW IT" he suddenly yells startling everyone in the library and the librarian throws him a nasty look. "I'M SORRY Y'ALL.....bitch looks musty" he whispers under his breath staring the librarian down.

".....I knew this shit when I saw y'all being all lovey-dovey in the cafeteria. Ain't this some shit. Ain't....this....some....shit" he nods mostly to himself, "I ain't even mad that my homies didn't come today, cause I would've missed this if they did" he laughs hitting the table.

"Tone it down back there. Go outside if you can't, mister" the librarian speaks up once again and Quinn gets up with an irritated expression and walks out, but not before throwing daggers at her.

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