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If I had not yet mentioned that Jordan was the single most confusing person I've met, I would like to emphasise it once more.

As unpredictable as the monsoon seasons, he could be cold like the pouring rain one moment and hot like the blazing sun in the next.

There was really no way to tell exactly how he was feeling or predict beforehand what he would do.

Which was precisely why this entire back hugging ordeal befuddled me beyond words, there was simply no logical explanation for him to do that. At least I'd liked to believe so.

After what felt like an eternity but was probably less than three minutes, the arms around my waist loosened, traveled down the curve of my body and grazed my hips lightly before completely retracting.

Still, he made no attempt to step back and as for me, I couldn't even muster enough strength to breathe properly let alone move any of my body muscle.

The corollary of having Jordan within such close proximity was undoubtedly a phenomenon I couldn't for the life of me quite figured it out yet, it didn't make sense that I could be so badly affected by his touch. Or maybe it was because I just wasn't used to such intimate advances from the oppposite sex.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't realised he was already walking away, until the subtle brush of his knuckles against mine brought me back to reality.

"Don't do...anything crazy like that again." I croaked out weakly.

He stopped walking and turned his head back slightly, allowing me a glimpse of only the sharply defined jawline of his side profile.

Nonetheless, it was enough to catch his lips tilt up into a jowly arrogant smirk, one that never failed to command an immediate halt to my beating heart.

"What can I say babe, you drive me fucking insane."

The following days were a chain of discombobulating events, ones that left me feeling even more perplexed than before.

As much as I had tried to avoid Jordan, he seemed to always be lurking around in the background, appearing when I'd least suspect it.

Two days ago, I had been slowly trailing to my locker after lunch, focused on unwrapping a chocolate bar Dustin had given me. I was about to take a bite after having successfully taken the wrapper off, though before that could happen, Jordan materialised out of thin air and snatched it out of my hands. Turning a deaf ear on my shouts of protest, he gaudily shoved it into his mouth and stalked off.

Another time, I had been in the midst of discussing a literature assignment with my partner, Harrison, by his locker which also happened to be right next to Jordan's. Too caught up in the discussion, none of us had noticed him approaching until he slammed his locker door shut violently, startling the both of us. Then, like the self entitled person that he was, he had simply ignored our appalled faces and strutted away indifferently.

Strangely enough, there were also instances where he was uncharacteristically nice, helpful even.

Yesterday in psychology, we were minutes away from starting an open book quiz and I was still rifling through my bag, searching desperately for my psychology book. Right when the teacher announced for everyone to begin and I had succumbed to my possible doom of failing this quiz, Jordan slid his textbook over to me.

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