Part 1

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It was gonna be a long day for me. I have been hired by Jeff to run the rough mill today since Jason was taking off work today. Personally I didn't like Jason, he was always a lazy guy who let everyone do his work for him. So my boss hired Gannon, a senior who just graduated high school to work at the mill.
He has very little experience with the workplace so my pal Glen had to show him around.
"Hey you?" Someone said behind me.
"Oh hey there! What is your name?"
"I'm Elijah, nice to meet you. Are you new here?"
"I can boost you up for the next couple days to help you get settled in."
"Thanks man! And is it always loud in this side of the workplace?"
"Yeah, do you have earplugs?"
"Yeah in my back pocket."
"I would put those in, so you won't go deaf in a few minutes."
Gannon put in his earplugs as the manager came inside. His bowl-cut hair always made me laugh, even his mustache.
"You were nearly late this morning Gannon," the boss says. "But hey since your new around here I'll cut you some slack."
"Thank you boss."
"My name is Hannigan, we aren't too busy on days like these so you can have a nice, easy shift to help you get settled in. But...remember I have a reputation to uphold here. You won't have me looking like a fool in front of all the other managers would you?"
"No sir," Gannon mumbled.
It was like Hannigan was trying to scare him or some shit.
"The Hardwood Specialists Inc. is the best wood providers in the state of California and I would like to keep it that way. If any of my loyal customers aren't satisfied with your service I will be hearing about it. Now! Elijah, my loyal employee of mine, will show you the ropes. Now get to it!"
Hannigan left the building finally, he can be weird at times but a funny guy.
"Damn, he scares me," Gannon mumbled.
"He can be a little weird at times, but a funny guy. You just have to get to know him better, trust me."
"And what did he mean by loyal customers?"
"We go on deliveries and our manager is strict on our service with them."
"Oh, are they long drives?"
"Pretty far yeah, we mostly drive out of the country because you gotta remember we are the best wood companies in the state. He is inviting all the other managers in the Wood Companies, we are showing them how good we employees are. You don't wanna upset him, he is scary when he's mad."
"Oh my, sounds like a lot to me," Gannon sighed as he sneezed.
"Bless you! Trust me it will be like any other work day."

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