Part 2

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After work, Hannigan stopped me and Gannon again. It was kinda getting on my nerves, he has been acting really weird ever since Gannon came along.
"I must say I'm quite impressed! Someone so eager so passionate, so young..." Hannigan paused for a few seconds.
"Thank you sir."
"Your exactly what I've been looking for. Keep this up and you will be nominated for employee of the month! Only the most determined, hard-working employees are granted such an honor. I'm going to invite all the managers from the other wood companies over. I need them to see what a fine specimen you are!
"Thank you again sir, we better get going."
"Hang on, I'm not finished speaking words! Ya know, you remind me of someone who used to work here. Full of discipline and determination... my oh my he was a fine employee. Oh how it saddened me when he stopped turning up for work...."
He is trying to scare us now, I can see it in his stare. He didn't blink the entire time, now I really worry for the man.
"Anyway... be here at 6am tomorrow sharp. We will be waiting. Now off you go!"
"Goodnight boss.." he reluctantly shook his hand and we were off to home.
"Who was that fine employee he was talking about?"
"He might be talking about Lester, he used to work here a couple years ago. He was like the managers pet, a brown nose I should say. If you don't know what a brown nose is, it's a person who kisses the bosses ass."
"Ahh I understand," he laughed slightly.
"I don't know if I'll get used to him... he stared at me in the most creepiest way possible! The creepiest bastard within a fifty mile radius is what I call him now."
I giggled and smiled slightly, I am starting to like Gannon, he is a pretty good guy.
"That was a good one! And yes he has been acting a tad bit strange lately. He intends to be stalking and watching me go towards my vehicle every night after work. Then one night he followed me all the way to the gas station, it was kinda freaky shit."
"Oh... that ain't good, not to be mean to him but he doesn't need to be a boss."
"I believe you are right, I don't know if I should even continue to work here. But I have to make money and live life ya know. Wanna get something to eat?"
"I'm sorry but I can't tonight, my girlfriend needs help around the house."
"Oh, that's okay! You get on home to your girl, I'll get going."
"Goodnight Elijah!"
"Night Gannon! See ya tomorrow!"

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