Part 15

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"Good time, wasn't it darling?" Beilla asked, pulling her panties up. I nodded my head yes then added, "It was actually my first time my queen."
"Really?" She chuckled. "Anything to do with me may I ask?"
"Maybe.." I paused as I saw Beilla open her robe.
"Kneel to me," she growled.
I kneeled down to her slowly and kissed her hand like they did in medieval movies.
"You're a fine vampire for me," she smiled as her face turned red like a tomato. "Don't be scared my darling, take me again as you did before."
I caressed her soft stomach as I pressed my tongue on it, swirling my tongue around it.
"Ahh," she moaned, running her fingers through my hair. She cupped my chin and lifted upward to see her in a big smile.
"Thank you."
I managed to take a nipple into my mouth, suckling on it deeply. She moaned even louder this time, I gently bit and she tensed up.
"How thirsty are ya for me?" She teased.
I slid my hand into her panties, rubbing her wet sex.
"This much," I smirked.
"Tell me darling, what do you want?" She whispered.
"Whisper it to me, just once and I shall please you."
I took my hand out of her and caressed her knee.
"I know what you are thinking.. I can read your mind..."
She pushed me on the bed and tied me down. She ferociously licked up and down all over me, causing my eyes to roll all the way back into my bare skull.
"Tell me you love me!" She begged, pressing her tongue harder.
"I love you!" I moan loudly as she untied me. She took a little gaze at me for a few seconds. She confessed, "Yes Lij, I can read minds. I am a Vampire Queen and we have the power so seduce men like you."
"I can tell my Queen, does that mean I can too?"
"Yeah, you have the same powers as me now."
But there is still something about Brooke that I just don't get, she is evil yet not. She has very nice and kind manners but vicious like a lion.
"Don't move, I am not done with you yet," she hissed. Brooke climbed onto me and nibbled on my ear whispering, "I want you desperately," then licked them until I gasped in pleasure. I took a bite out of my wrist and allowed Brooke to drink it. She ravenously sucked my blood until her thirst has been quenched. She grabbed a Kleenex and wiped off her mouth, then fell over next to me.
"Beilla my Queen, I love you," I confessed, but she didn't wake up. She was sound asleep, I didn't think Vampires could sleep at night but okay then. I went to the bathroom to clean myself off then fell asleep next to Brooke.

The next morning, we both heard a knock at the front door. I positioned myself on my elbows then slowly woke up to answer the door.
"Hi, I am Bill."

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