Part 11

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I screamed after my wild dream.
"The hell?" I muttered to myself.
"I think I'm losing it."
I glanced at my mannequin in the corner, my mom had her for years. When she passed away she gave me her mannequin, named Cassie. She was quite beautiful for a mannequin, her outfit was all black and red: red hair, red shoes, and the rest of her clothes was black.
But I had to get some sleep, so I pulled out my phone and listened to Within Temptation and Evanescence then fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. It was Brooke texting me that she was about to preform. I texted her Good luck Brookie, you will be great! I'll be ready!
A few hours later live TV came on, and I seen a lady with a long, silver dress. I didn't recognize her at first but it was Brooke. Her hair was very curly, her dress sparkled in the spotlight.
They accidentally miss pronounced her last name, Ison. I kinda laughed when they did it, but she laughed too.
But she began to sing, her voice took my soul away.
She sang a very popular Within Temptation song Memories.
Me and Brooke apparently have the same music taste, I was so pleased to hear her heavenly voice.
I was planning to call her after the show to tell her how lovely her melodic voice was. Until then I watched her dazzle.

An hour later she was done with her astounding performance, the audience roared with applause. I wish I could've went, but it was way too far.

"You've done such a good job out there," I whispered.
"Thank you my dear, did you like my dress?"
"I loved the dress as much as I loved your melody."
"Aww thank you sweetness!"
"I believe you like Within Temptation? Because so do I," I smiled.
"Yes sir I do! I loved it since I was really young."
"Same haha, so are you going to visit your brother soon?"
"Yeah I am actually at his house at the moment."
"Oh I'll let you go then, tell me when you get home."
"Okay, I'll talk to ya later! Bye bye!"
"Bye Brooke!"

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