Part 22

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"ENOUGH!!" Screeches Elijah, with tears running down his face. "Brooke I'm sorry I just can't take this anymore it's too awful.." he pauses as he throws down a pair of boots in rage.
"ITS GOTTA STOP!! SOMEONE HAS TO STOP THIS HORRIFIC MAN! He must be stopped and must be punished.. cruelly punished!"
"I agree."
I thought to myself, will I be that someone? Am I capable to kill Bill and his friends once and for all? Will it help me recover mentally?
"And I'm gonna be that someone Elijah, they will get what they deserve. They like blood and torture right? I'll give it to them!"
Elijah formed an evil grin on his face. "Yes yes indeed. May I watch them suffer?"
"Absolutely my King, we shall escape this dungeon and get vengeance once and for all!" An evil grin formed upon my face. I believe it would make me feel better killing them guys, after all I am immortal and I could use my powers against them. Then we heard footsteps coming from above us.
"Shh! Be silent!"
Of course Bill came inside, with a unhappy look upon his face. "Come you two."
He grabbed us both by the hair and carried us out. I yelped in slight pain as he pushed me on the bed, leaving Elijah in the other room to watch me suffer.
"Nick! Patrick! Get your bony asses in here now!" Bill hissed as he started to strip me down nude.
They both came in, laughing wickedly. "You thought it was over hm? The nightmare continues. Your going to die here and this room shall become your tomb," Nick grumbled.
"No please!" I begged as Bill turned me over on my back, about to anally penetrate me.
"I suggest you behave show horse! Or I may remove your clitoris," Bill growled, putting a scalpel next to my womanhood. I grunted and a tear rolled down my face. I wasn't prepared to get hurt again, but Elijah watched in horror and agony. I had a plan in mind, I may actually escape this dungeon. Bill was about to thrust into me, I had to make a move quickly. I actually had a scalpel in my front robe pocket but it was too far to get to. So I elbowed Bill in the face then kneeled his groin. I hurried Elijah out from the other room. I grabbed my clothes and put them on with one hand.
"Bring me Brooke now!!"
We released Baylee and Aubrey from their prison cells and got the hell out of there.
"Okay me and Elijah have unfinished business to attend to. So you two need to get out of town before the Bloodmoon rises."
"Bloodmoon?" Elijah asked.
"It's the year of the Bloodmoon. It's where every single race comes out from their homes and seek prey on mortals. Vampires can withstand the Bloodmoon's power better than any race but we get famished plus our hunger for flesh increases. But we become more powerful, and stronger."
"And when does the Bloodmoon rise?"
"In five days."
"Oh my, we better get started with our business then," Elijah gasped.

Several hours later, I stalked Bill for awhile. Apparently he was taking the night shift at the Service Station, so I wanted to give him a little surprise. I wore my reddish pink uniform, it was pretty revealing clothes. But I know men cannot control themselves when they see females with seductive outfits. I didn't care at the moment if my bra was showing through my shirt, the job must be done.
"Hey there..." Bill paused. My body was facing towards my vehicle.
"Whoo! Hey there little girl, can I fill you up?" Bill giggled. I turn around, revealing it was me then whacked him in the head with a crowbar.

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