Part 6

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It was time for work once more, I didn't feel like getting up this morning. But at least it was peace and quiet, I didn't wanna upset Hannigan.
I showered, ate breakfast and got dressed and left the house around 6:00.
I already saw that Gannon and the boys arrived earlier than ever.
"Wow, you guys are here early," I said as I parked my car.
"Yeah, we didn't wanna sleep in like yesterday."
"Boys, you guys think our manager shouldn't be a manager? He is acting super weird and I really want him to stop. I get he was a rough life, but it doesn't give him the right to act like that."
"I would agree, he started to scare me on my first day here," Gannon replied.
"I spoke to Brooke last night after work, she even said that he scared her."
"Ooh, how did that go?"
"It went better than expected actually."
"What did you do and say?"
"Well, I pretended not to see her and ran into her again, then we kinda spoke then we left. But then I had a dream after work..." I paused.
"Then what?"
"Oh nothing Gannon."
"What really?"
"Nothing Gannon!"
"Ooh I know what you got, the L word!"
"Yeah Leprosy," Jason added.
"No no, it's four letters; starts with L ends with E."
"Ah ha! Lice!"
"NO NOT A SICKNESS DOOFUS! Elijah my friend is in love."
"Ohhh yeah love!" Jason teased.
"No no no guys come on now!"
"Oh your getting a hard-on by her, your in major love my friend!"
"No no no! You guys are dead wrong!" I knew I shouldn't have said anything to them about last night. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.

They continued to tease me all throughout my shift, calling me Woody the Ison's boy and Elijah hardwood.
I just laughed at em and just went on, besides they are just teasing in a funny way. If it were mean I would have already kicked their asses.

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