Part 16

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"Your Brooke's ex-boyfriend right?"
"Yes, I must speak with her. Is that okay?"
"It's fine I guess, she is upstairs."
I leaded him to Brooke upstairs as she was putting her clothes on.
"You got here just in time, I just got dressed—" she paused, staring at Bill.
"Why the fuck are you here?" She hissed.
"Bill this isn't a good time, can you please leave and come back later?" I asked nicely.
"Get out scum!" Bill snarled as he pushed him out, slamming and locking the door.
"Let me in you filth!"

Bill smirked at her and walked towards her seductively. "Brooke, I knew there was something special about you."
"Really?" She asked in a shaky voice.
"And I know you know what happens when two people in the know get together," he groaned as he pushed her against he wall, nibbling her earlobe.
"Don't be tense my darling, relax..."
"Woah dude what are you on?" She said as she gave him a really dirty look.
"Don't insult me! I thought I was the dominant one not you!" He growled as he pushed me on the bed, climbing on top of her.
"Woah dude dude what are you doing? Let's talk about this!" She pleaded.
"Shh! Relax!" He pinned her arms down, staring down into her eyes.
"Damn your very aggressive my guy," she said, gritting her teeth.
He grunts as he grew a long, green tail with a sharp needle in the front of it. His tail slid towards her neck.
"Come on now, do as your told and relax," he breathed as he pointed the needle towards her neck.
"You want some turkey meatloaf? I have plenty," she said uncomfortably.

I grabbed a mannequin leg and rammed it into the door, breaking it in two. He quickly put away his tail and kissed Brooke heavily. When I walked into the room, I was shook.
She pushed him off and ran towards me. Until his tail came out of his mouth and wrapped it around her neck, choking her until her face turned red.
"Elijah help me!" She wheezed, trying to get air.
I grabbed his tongue/tail and tore it into, making him fall backwards.
Brooke screamed and grabbed my arm, slamming the door shut. Bill turned into an alien figure and blowing up the room into a million pieces.

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