sea of depression - an original poem

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The music whispers through my ears

Beautiful but tragic

The lyrics speaking to my soul

I connect at each word

I know some people may look down on me

For the type of music, I listen to

Though they have never heard the lyrics 

Through my perspective

What if it's the only thing keeping me afloat

On a sea of depression

Like a lifeboat

Crashing between the rocks

What if I'm lost

In a sea of thoughts


Grasping onto a piece of seaweed

My last hope

What if I'm a glass

About to tip

Spilling all its feelings onto the floor below

I'm drowning

Drowning in a sea of self-hate

With only my earbuds to pull me ashore

As I finally erase the marker

And search for the highlighter in life

Dear my self a year prior,

You're ok. We're ok. We've got this. We're going to be okay.

PS: I'm getting better now😊

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