Fuck It

499 18 5

April 7

I pull up to Oscar's house

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I pull up to Oscar's house. The Santos were all posted up. Oscar is sitting on a chair outside his door, smoking a cigarette. I walk up the walkway, feeling everyone's stares on me.

"You've got no business here, leave" Oscar says blowing out smoke. "We need to talk" I say feeling my heart beat faster. "So talk" he says leaning forward resting his forearms on his legs. I look around to the Santos, run my fingers through my hair, "Fine" I say looking up at the sky taking a deep breath, "Friday night didn't go down the way you think," I begin to explain. Oscar stares at me, putting the cigarette to his mouth. "I took a molly and I guess it's been so long, it hit me hard," I place my hand on my forehead. "I don't remember anything that happened that night Oscar, not the pool, not the guy". The Santos began to "ooo", "puta" I hear Leti say behind me.

I stare at Oscar and take a shaky breath, "Oscar you know me, you know I love you and I wouldn't do anything to disrespect you. I swear I didn't know what was going on" I say as a tear falls from my eye. "La actriz!" Leti yells sitting down, all the Santos laugh.

Oscar stands up, flicking the cigarette. Everyone gets quiet. "You done talking" he says furrowing his brows. I look at him as another tear falls from my eye. He grabs his Movado watch and throws it at me, "Leave. You're not welcomed on these streets anymore" he says sternly. "If they catch you here, they're fucking you up on sight" he heads inside his house. "Oscar..." I say stepping towards the steps. 2 Santos block me. I sigh and nod. I turn around and begin heading to my car. "Don't Worry Puta," Leti says, "I'll take care of him" she chuckles. The Santos all laugh.


I put my fingers through the watch band, holding it at my knuckles

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I put my fingers through the watch band, holding it at my knuckles. I turn around and stand infront of Leti. She smiles, "do something pendeja" she taunts. I swing with my right hand hitting her in her jaw. She spits out blood. "Bitch" she says before she charges at me pushing me to the ground getting on top of me swinging.

I roll us over. I sit ontop of her, grab her head by her hair and punch her with my right hand. "I'm tired of your slick comments" I yell punching her multiple times. Trigger pulls me off of her. I held onto her hair and kick. "Let her go V!" he says and he forcefully opens my hand to release.

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