Dodging bullets

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Across town at Victoria's house

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Across town at Victoria's house.

Victoria feels a stingy sensation on her left cheek from her husband's hand. "Do you not know what you have done?!" he scolds in a heavy Russian accent. She rubs her cheek, glaring at him.

"Did you think Igor wasn't going to tell me you went to the Prophets for a job?!" "It was nothing baby, I was just trying to do a favor for Stacey" she justifies. "A favor... nyet moya zhena (no my wife) a favor is Milov taking her to the store not killing innocent people for fun!" He slams his hand on the desk. "It was for respect!" Victoria blurted letting her anger get the best of her.

"Respect" Vladimir repeats. He glances at Igor that's standing by the door. Igor opens it. Leon, head of the Prophets, walks in. "Now I must defend MY respect to keep my business" Vladimir says pointing at himself and glancing to the door. Igor nods. A tall muscular Russian man with a neck tattoo grabs Victoria by the hair dragging her to the middle of the room pointing a gun to her head looking at Vladimir.

Victoria begs her husband, "Vladimir, moy muzh (my husband) please!" She cries with praying hands, her mascara forming black streaks across her cheeks.

Vladimir rubs his temples then waves his hands for him to proceed. "NO! NO! NO!" The gentleman shoots Victoria in the back of her head, her lifeless body collapses on the rug. 2 other slim built gentlemen walk in the room, roll her up in the rug and carry it out.

"Kokoy pozor (what a shame) that was an expensive rug," Vladimir says standing up straight. He opens his arms, "Leon! please take this small gift as an apology for my ex wife's insubordination" he signals to Igor as he sits behind his desk. Igor pulls out a suit case, resting it on his left forearm and opening it with his right hand, revealing stacks of 100 dollar bills in 2 rows.

Leon laughs taking the suitcase, "it's a good day baby!" He looks at Vladimir with a serious face, "my condolences on your wife." He says softly. Vladimir lights up a cigar, "bred kakoy to (nonsense) women like her are, how you say it, found in every street corner" they both laugh heartily as Vladimir gets up to pour them a drink.

Back at Cuchillos office

Oscar's POV

Cuchillos has a knife to Bernice's throat and her phone in another hand. "One phone call Spooky and Leah's dead," she warns. "Guess I gotta kill you before you can make that call," I say pulling the trigger. The bullet pierces through Bernice's right shoulder hitting Cuchillos, causing her to drop the phone.

Cuchillo's Body guard walks in through the door, shooting at me. I duck down beside the desk as Cuchillos, escapes through the connecting door leaving Bernice on the floor.

I move behind the desk, grabbing the wireless mouse from the desk. I throw it causing the bodyguard to empty his clip. I move to the other side of the desk, peek over the top and shoot the bodyguard in his arm and neck.

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