Rockstar Foxy x Reader

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~After a few months of dating~

Y/n Pov:

Me and Foxy were walking around the outside of Freddy's like usual.

But Foxy seemed a bit anxious. It wasn't like him at all.

I ignored it though. Maybe he was just tired.

There was a small forest area behind the place.

We've never gone in it though.

"So Y/n.... How about we walk through the forest today?" Foxy asked.

Well until today.

"Sure!" I say and smile as we begin to walk into the forest.

Wonder why Foxy asked that question.

We've never even thought about walking in the forest before.

We walk for about ten minutes when Foxy stops and I stop behind him.

"Cover your eyes lass/lad." he says.

I cover my eyes with my hand and Foxy grabs my other hand and leads me through some bushes.

"You can look now lad/lass." he says and I uncover my eyes.

There was a small pond in a clearing. It was beautiful.

By the pond there was a blankest and a basket.

"Did you do all this?!" I ask as I stare in awe.

"Ye. Do you like it love?" he asks.

"I love it!" I say and kiss his cheek before walking over to the blanket.

We sit down and Foxy gets out the food as I look at the pond and see a few frogs jump into it.

Foxy hands me a plate of f/f and a cup of f/d.

"You remembered!" I say and smile as I eat.

"How could I forget love. It's your favorite." Foxy says.

The food was delicious. I ate every bite.

Then Foxy pulls something else out of the basket.

I couldn't see what it was.

"What's that?" I ask pointing to what Foxy had behind his back.

He then shows me it's a small box.

He slowly opens the box and says, "Y/n you're the most lovely lad/lass I've ever met."

"Will you marry me?" he asks.

I'm surprised! I thought he would never ask!

"Yes! Of course!" I yell and hug him tightly.

Foxy hugs me back and slides the ring on my finger.

Me and Foxy kiss and enjoy the rest of our picnic.

As we're walking back I can't stop thinking about what the wedding will be like.

Will we invite everyone? What will Foxy wear?

Questions and ideas flood my mind as I plan what everything will look like in my mind.

(You guys want a wedding story? I'm kinda down for it.)

(Anyway. I'm still taking requests. I will write pretty much anything.)

(Have a lovely day UwU)

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