Withered Bonnie x Female! Shy! Reader

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Withered Bonnie Pov:

I walk outside of the old building and into the alley near by.

It was nice to be able to get out and see the world, before winter comes.

But this time I hear sniffles, like if someone was crying.

I didn't know anyone else to be in this alley before.

I was towards the dumpster and see a girl inside.

She looks up at me and her heart seems to almost stop as her eyes fill with fear.

"No no, don't be scared. I won't hurt you." I say and gentle move my hand to her.

She doesn't move or speak as my hand gently cups her cheek.

"See? Everything is fine. Let's get you out of this dumpster." I say.

Y/n Pov:

The giant animatronic bunny gently picks me up and I look at him.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

I nod slowly still in his arms.

The feeling was nice, I felt safe.

"Let's get you some pizza." he says and starts carrying me away.

He takes me to the old pizzeria and sets me down at a table before going to the kitchen.

I look around from my seat not making a noise.

He comes back and puts a pizza and plate on the table.

I take a slice and begin eating it quickly.

"Carefully sweetie, Don't want to make yourself sick." he says with a smile.

I look at him smile, he much less scary with a smile.

"It's Y/n...." I say quietly before going back to eating.

"That's a nice name. You can call me Bonnie. Nice to meet you Y/n." he says.

"You too." I say finishing half the pizza.

"What were you doing that dumpster Y/n?" he asks.

I freeze up and don't say anything.

"Are you homeless?" he asks.

I shake my head no, "Some kids at school..." I mumble.

"How long were you in there?" he asks.

"A day maybe two. I hit my head pretty hard." I say. "mine turn for questions."

"What were you doing there?" I ask.

"Just out for a walk. I don't get out much." he says.

"Oh." I say with a yawn.

"Let's get you home. Where do you live?" he asks.

I shake my head no violently, "No, they'll throw me back into that dumpster when I go to the bus stop." I say.

"I guess you can spend one night here. Then you have to go home before they file a missing persons report." he says and picks me up again.

I smile, "Thank you Bonnie." I say.

"You look good with a smile." he says and carried me to a room with a mattress.

I blush slightly as he lays me down on the mattress.

"Goodnight Y/n." he says and kisses my cheek.

"Wait... Can you sleep with me?" I ask my face a blushing mess.

"Of course. You must be nervous." he says and lays with me wrapping his arms around me.

I close and my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

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