Ballora x Male! Reader

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Y/n Pov:

I wait for the animatronic I ordered for my daughters birthday party.

She loves ballerinas and has  been excited for the animatronic for weeks.

I heard pretty good reviews on Ballora, and my daughter wasn't scared, so we ordered her.

I man brings a box up the house and leaves in on the porch.

I open the box and she's already put together, "Ah perfect! Now how to turn you on?" I say and start looking.

She suddenly turns on and starts spinning. I lead her out back to where all the kids are and they rush over.

Ballora began playing music and dancing with the kids. Meyrin, my daughter looked extra happy.

I smile and look at Ballora, damn... She is hot for an animatronic.... I wonder how real they make her~

~After the Party~

I put Meyrin to bed and then I slowly take the animatronic to my room.

Let's explore her a bit more... I begin to feel her thighs and suddenly I feel a cold metal hand to my face.

"OW! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell and look at Ballora who is now on.

"You need to learn some manners! You don't touch a girl you just met!" she yells at me.

"'YOU HAVE A MIND?! AND THOUGHTS?!" I yell confused.

"Yes of course. I saw you checking me out at the party. But I didn't think you just wanted to hook up." she says and crosses her arms.

"I'm.. I'm sorry. I didn't think you would care." I say quietly.

"Since I think you're cute. I'll let it slide." she says, "Mr.???"

"L/n, but please call me Y/n." I say with a smile.

"Well Y/n, Your daughter seems very sweet. I love kids, I'm glad I found a cute guy with a kid." she says.

"Well I have to send you back tomorrow." I say, "So it's now or never."

"You can keep me for a while." she says with a wink, "I'll make the call tomorrow."

"Now how about you make some food. I'm hungry." she says and sits on the bed.

"Yes of course!" I say and rush to the kitchen.

I make a Charcuterie board and pure two glasses of wine.

I walk back and set the board on the bedside table and handed her the wine.

"Oooo, I like your style." she says with a smile and takes a sip of wine.

"I didn't think you would be able to eat and drink." I say blushing a bit.

"I see that, well let's enjoy." she says.

We eat the food and end up going through a whole bottle of wine.

After that we decided to have some ~fun~ before we sleep and man was she good.

~Next morning~

I wake up to the smell of food in the kitchen and I get up.

I walk into the kitchen and Meyrin is sitting their eating.

"Daddy! Ballora is staying?!" she yells asking.

I smile, "Yes sweetie." I say and walk over to Ballora who is cooking more food.

"Yay! She's really good at cooking." Meyrin says and goes back to eating.

I kiss Ballora on the cheek, "Last night was fun~" I whisper in her ear.

"Not with Meyrin here." she says and kisses my cheek before plating the food.

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