Michael Afton x Female! Reader (Part 2)

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Y/n Pov:

I'm sitting on the couch at Micheal's house.

I feel arms wrap around me and I look up and see Micheal.

I smile, "Hey Micheal." I say and kiss his cheek.

"Hey  Y/n, I wanna show you something in my room." he says and picks me up.

"Micheal!" I yell, "I can walk. You know I get scared when you pick me up."

He kisses my cheek, "I won't drop you silly. I never drop you." he says, "Well maybe on the bed, but still."

"It's still scary!" I say as we enter his room.

He gentle places me on the bed instead of dropping me this time.

He then gets up and grabs something from the closet.

He pulls out a guitar, "I didn't know you could play?" I say looking at it.

"I can't, but I know you can." he says and hands me the guitar.

"I'm not good at it! I can't even play a song yet, I always mess up." I say.

He then pulls out a keyboard, "I'll play if you do as well." he says looking at me with a smile.

I blush a little embarrassed, "Fine, I guess I can." I say and take a deep breath.

I begin playing some chords. I mess a bit but I quickly fix them.

Micheal then begins playing his keyboard.

I look at him with a smile. We sounds pretty good together.

We play for a good five minutes till I need a break, "Wow that was fun." I say with a little giggle.

"It sure was, it sounded amazing." he say and came over sitting next to me.

I set the guitar down by the bed, "I messed a bit during the beginning though." I say a little upset with myself.

He wraps his arms around me tightly and moves me onto his lap, "I didn't even notice." he says leaning his head into my neck.

I smile and pat his head, "Thanks babe." I say and lean on his head.

He starts to kiss my neck slightly and I jump a bit and squeak, "Micheal!" I yell, "Don't surprise me like that."

"But it's so fun." he says and continues.

I blush like crazy and try to get out of his grip.

I hear the door being open and I try harder, "Micheal someone's coming!" I say.

His dad walks in just like last time and me and Micheal look at him.

"Doors have locks you two know that right?" he says with a laugh.

"And you can easily have knock!" I say a little annoyed.

"Didn't realize you wanted it that badly, well continue then." he says leaving the room and closing the door.

"Does your dad even know what privacy is?" I ask looking at Micheal.

"Nope, but you heard what he said." he says and goes for my neck again.

I quickly move and slide out of his grip, "Not this time!" I say.

(I totally didn't forget I had this chapter... *nervous laughter*)

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