Female! Mangle x Emotionless! Male! Reader

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Mangle Pov:

I look into the office from the ceiling.

The guard working didn't even notice me.... If fact... He didn't notice anything.

He wasn't even checking cameras.

He was just staring at a wall... Looking very blank.

I go back to the others and tell everyone to just stay on stage tonight.

They all agree and let me see what's going on.

"It's no fun if they don't try anyway" Toy Bonnie says.

I nod and go back to the office.

I drop down to the floor with a bang and he turns his chair towards me.

His face still blank, "E-E-Everything o-okay?" I ask looking at him.

He nods, "I thought people died on this job?" he asks.

"N-N-Not if they a-a-aren't any f-f-fun." I say.

He starts checking cameras, "Is this better?" he asks.

"No!" I growl a bit, "Why did you even take the job?"

"The money seemed nice, and most people die here right? It's a win win." he says and stops to look at me.

"W-Well w-w-we won't do a-anything to y-y-you." I say and huff.

Y/n Pov:

Why is this mess of parts so annoying?!

Just bite my head off or something alreadyyyy.

"Listen here, that's fine as well." I say and check cameras again.

It just sits and watches me for a good hour and I can't handle it.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"It's mangle and yours?" she says.

"It's Y/n, But you can call me y/n/n." I say.

"Nice to meet you Y/n." she says.

"What happened to all that fuzz in your voice?" I ask putting the tablet down.

"it's on and off. If I'm working other parts it can get like that." she says.

She moves closer to me, "I-It'll get f-f-fuzzy for a b-bit." she says.

"Please don't move then. If you need anything I'll get it." I say looking at her.

"Okay Y/n/n." I say and look at the clock, "Only an hour left."

"So Mangle is it?" I say.

She nods looking up at me.

"Why didn't you pounce on me?" I ask.

"I saw how you were staring at that wall... It didn't look right. You weren't panicked." she says.

"Well thank you." I say and sit on the floor by her, "I really needed someone to talk to."

I go in and hug her and she hugs back, "O-Of course Y/n/n." she says.

I smile slightly as the clock beeps.

"Good day, I'll see you tonight." I say and get walking away.

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