Circus Baby x Female! Reader

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Y/n Pov:

I inspect the animatronic I got for my daughters birthday party.

It seemed in working order and safe.

"Okay Ladies! Guess who's here?" I say with a big smile.

"Is she finally here?!" My daughter shouts with excitement.

"Yep! Here's your singer and ice cream maker Baby!" I say and pull back the curtains.

She starts singing and moving around making the girls dance and sing with joy.

I look up at Baby and her smile.

If I didn't know any better I'd say she looks like she enjoys making the kids happy.

But she's just an animatronic, they can't have emotions and change their facial expressions.

~A week after the party~

I've tried sending Baby back all week.

But she's gone at night and then back on my doorstep by morning.

I finally gave up and just kept her.

I night I keep hearing footsteps, but I assume it's just my daughter getting something.

I wake up to my alarm and when I look up I see Baby looking at me.

But I put her in the garage... "Stacy! Did you play with Baby last night?" I call out to my daughter.

She comes running into my room, "No you told me not to touch her. So why are you playing with her? Can I play with her?" she questions.

"No Stacy, go wait for your bus now. Don't be late to school." I say and she runs off.

I look at Baby and go to her control panel the people who delivered her showed me.

The switch was off... So how did she get here?

Baby suddenly moves which causes me to jump and I bang my ankle really hard against the bed post.

"OW! DAMMIT!" I shout and sit on the bed holding my ankle.

Baby looks down at me and frowns. How I'm not sure.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." she says kneeling down and looking at my ankle.

I tense up a little scared, ready to run if I have to. If I'll even make it out the door I don't know.

"Here, let me take a look." she says and slowly extends her big metal hand towards my ankle.

I slowly move mine away and let her look at it.

Her cold metal hand touched my bare skin and I quiver slightly but calm down.

Her touch was gentle, till her slightly twisted my ankle.

"Ow! That hurts." I say in pain.

"Sorry, it looks like you may have broken it. Not a big break, probably just a little chip." she says and pulls out some bandages.

"I'm equipped with a first aid kit. Let me fix that for you." she says looking at me waiting for consent.

I nod, "Thank you." I say and she gets to work.

She bandages my foot and puts a brace on it, "You'll have to stay off of it for a few weeks. I can take care of the house and Stacy for you and help you get around." she says.

I smile, "Thank you Baby, I'm glad they kept sending you back." I say.

Baby smiles and sits at the end of the bed, "It's my fault you got hurt in the first place. I just couldn't stop thinking about you Y/n. The minute I saw you I felt something." she says blushing slightly.

My cheeks get slightly rosey, "I felt the same way..." I say and place a hand on top of Baby's hand.

Me and Baby both lean closer to each other and are lips almost touch.

Until Stacy comes running into the room, "Mommy I missed the bus again!" she says and then looks at me and Baby.

Me and Baby quickly sit up straight.

Stacy's eyes go wide, "Mommy you love Baby?!" She says with a big smile, "Does that mean I can play with her?"

I chuckle slightly, "Yes Stacy, and she's going to take care of you till Mommy gets better." I say.

Baby nods, "Come on Stacy, let's go work on some homework." she says and kissed me on the cheek before getting up and walking out with Stacy.

I blush and wave to them as they leave my room, before laying down and getting some more sleep.

(Sorry it took so long for an update. I moved over the summer, and then moved back for school. Hopefully if I stay caught up with homework I can get updates back going. Probably only 1 or 2 a week for now)

(Love you guys and thank you for waiting <3)

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