Nedd Bear x Reader

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Y/n Pov:

As I walk up to my house I notice a huge package at my front door.

I don't remember ordering anything....

I open my door and drag the package inside.

Holy shit! This thing is heavy!

I just leave it in the entrance room and go to my room to change and shower.

I take my shower and change into a f/c shirt and f/c jeans.

I walk back to the entrance room and the pack is gone...

I open the door and see the package by the trash.

"Who was in my house...." I say to myself and go to the package.

It's light now... It's empty. What happened to what was inside it?

I walk back inside and head to the living room where something is sitting....

It's huge! And looks metal. How did it get here... The package?!

I stands up and looks towards me.

I freeze, I have no clue what to do.

"Hello there. I'm Nedd Bear, but can call me Nedd." it says with a smile.

"H-Hi there Nedd...." I say nervously.

"No need to be scared, I'm your new animatronic." he says.

"I didn't order anything though." I say confused.

"This place doesn't look right I guess, but I'm still yours now." he says.

"Okay then... Well  my names Y/n." I say, "You can sit down again."

"Thank you Y/n, It's very nice to meet you." he says and sits down.

I take the seat next to him.

My very own animatronic, huh.

I guess it would be good company, I do get lonely.

"What do you normally do during this time Y/n?" Nedd asks.

"Oh well.... I'd usually get dinner cooking and watch TV." I say.

"Let me cook something for you." he says with a smile and gets up.

"I'll help you." I say and we walk to the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat? I can make anything." he says looking at me.

"Can you make f/f?" I ask a little excited.

"Of course Y/n." he says and grabs what he needs to make it.

I few minutes later he hands me a plate.

"Thanks, are you gonna eat anything?" I ask.

"I don't need to eat." he says and sits next to me at the table.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I say and begin eating.

After I finish eating we head back to the couch and just sit and talk.

"Watch this Y/n." he says and shows me a few cool tricks he can do.

I laugh and smile. I haven't had this much fun with someone in years.

Time flies and it's now night time.

"I should get to sleep." I say and get up.

"Would you like me to join you?" Nedd asks.

"Sure." I say and we walk to my bedroom.

I change into some pajamas and we both get into my bed.

It's kinda small and Nedd ends up holding me as we slept.

~Morning Time~

I woke and Nedd wasn't in my bed.

"Was it a dream...." I say as I get out of bed and ready for work.

I walk into the kitchen and see him making breakfast.

"Hey there Y/n" he says with a smile, "Breakfast will be ready soon."

I smile and sit down, I this is gonna be a good day and week.

FNAF x Reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora