Mike Schmidt x Autistic! Reader

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Y/n Pov:

I was walking to work faster than usually.

I was having money trouble and did something really stupid.

I took a loan from some guys who were shady, but I needed the money.

The interest  is too high and now I own way more than I borrowed.

They want their money now and I don't even have half of what they want.

I'm about three blocks from Freddy's and I don't see them around.

First it was just notes, then warnings on my door, and now they're getting violent.

It's been about three days since they last attacked me physically.

Now only two blocks away from the pizzeria.

I look around again and still no one thankfully.

Then someone walks in front of me and I scream and fall over.

"Oh Y/n! I didn't mean to scare you." Mike says.

Phew it was only Mike.

He helps me up and I calm down a bit.

I look around again still a bit nervous.

"Hey... You okay? You haven't been yourself lately." he asks.

"Y-yeah. I'm f-fine." I say with a fake smile.

"Okay..." Mike says and we walk to work together.

The whole time I was looking behind us and in alleyways.

We make it to the pizzeria and there's a note on the front door.

I  knew it was for me.

"Whats this?" Mike asks and looks at the note.

I quickly grab it, "It's m-mine." I say.

"Y/n there's something your not telling me." Mike says and looks at me, "Give me the note."

"N-no! It's m-my b-business." I say and put the note behind my back.

Mike grabs the note from me. He was taller and a bit bigger than me so I couldn't stop him.

He reads the note and looks at me, "Who's this from?" he asks looking at me seriously.

"S-some guy I borrowed m-money from to p-pay r-rent.... I've been n-needing t-to buy s-so much medicine f-for my p-parents I... I haven't h-had m-much to pay r-rent." I say and look down.

"Y/n... Why didn't you tell me? I could of given you money and raised your pay check." Mike says.

"I.. I d-didn't want t-to b-bother you..." I say and tear up.

Mike pulls me close and hugs me, "Y/n nothing you ask would ever bother me." he says, "Now how much due you owe?"

"Couple h-hundred thousand....." I say quietly.

"Let's go meet them and pay." Mike says and shoves the note in his pocket.

"B-but I d-don't have t-t-the m-money." I say.

"I'll pay, let's go" Mike says and grabs my hand as we walk.

I didn't even get to read the note...

We make it to an alley and there are the guys....

"Y/n who's this fine dude?" one of the guys ask.

"I'm here to pay for Y/n's loan." Mike says.

"Give it then." the guy says and holds out his hand.

Mike gets out his wallet and hands the guy a couple hundred thousand dollars.

"Not exact... But close enough." he says and puts the money in his pocket, "Pleasure doing business with ya."

They all leave and I sigh in relief.

"Now... After tonight you're going to pack your bags and stay with me." Mike says.

"Oh n-no. You d-don't have t-t-to d-do that M-mike." I say but Mike puts his hand up.

"I don't this happening to you again. I care about you a lot Y/n." he says and we walk back to the pizzeria.

That shift was pretty quiet and went by fast since we were an hour late.

I packed my bags that night and Mike showed up the next morning and took me to his place to stay.

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