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I know that I should focus on my exam (yes I'm in my exam week) but.. (´• ω •')

Well, honestly I already finished the chapters... a week ago maybe? I don't really remember (・_・;)

BUT! I hope you still enjoy this (≧▽≦)


“Kaa-san what you want to talk with me? Why Riku can come with us?” Asked Tenn to his mother. She didn't answer him make him look up at her. He blink when he felt her hand which holding his trembling.

Tenn open his mouth to ask what's wrong but they already arrive at the living room. He saw a man he didn't know sit there with his father. Even though he still young, he can feel the tense atmosphere around the room.

The guess turn around and eyeing Tenn before smile. Tenn didn't like his smile at the first he see it. He frown and sit between his parent.

“You must be Nanase Tenn. You more handsome than what I imagine” said the man friendly but Tenn can see his eyes glint strangely.

Tenn didn't say anything and just look at him warily. Aware with this the guess let out a chuckle, “no need to be wary, I didn't mean any harm here”

After saying that he look at Tenn’ parent and smile coldly, “how is this Nanase-san? You can't waste your son talent here. I can make him become a star, I can make him shine brightly”

“We can't hand our son to a stranger so suddenly. No matter who you are or how rich you are” said Tenn father.

The man just smile, “you know reject me is not the answer Nanase-san, and i'm not give you a choice” he turn to Tenn, “what you think Tenn-kun? Did you want to go with me?” asked him.

His question make Tenn frown, “what you mean by that? Why I have to come with you?” Asked him back.

“I see your hidden talent. With a proper guide you'll be a bright star” said him

“If that's what you mean why do I have to come with you?”

The man smile, “to make you a perfect star, you have yo cut your tie with your family and make a new one with me”

Tenn face turn to angry, “i'm sorry but I rather being a fallen star than cut my tie with my family”

“Are you sure?” Asked him. Seeing Tenn confident eyes he smirk, “I always get what I want. It's so easy for me to destroy your family and you better not opposed me”

Tenn want to protest but his next sentence make his eyes widen, “I heard you have a little sister. Come with me, think you do it for her safety”

“It's no need for you to bring our daughter in it” said Tenn mother angrily. The man keep calm and say, “I also heard he have a respiratory problem and you can't really do something more about it. If your son come with me, I promise that i'll do all the bill for her hospitality”

The Nanase can't say something at that and the man stood up elegantly, “i'll be back in a week. Make sure you have a right choice, Tenn-kun”

After the man out from their sight, “i'll think about it Kaa-san, Tou-san” said Tenn stood up and walk upstairs. Their mother want to stop him but they understand that their son need time and just wish he didn't think about something stupid.

Tenn walk to their sharing room with a blank mind. He didn't even released that he already there until his sister called his name. He look at her who look at him back with an innocent face.

He smile at her, ‘ah, how I love her more than anything in this world’ thought Tenn.

That night Tenn leave his family. That night he leave his precious sister. That night he make her crying, after his promise for never make her crying of sadness.


Tenn POV
It's been a long time since I step my foot here. I wonder what are they doing right now, what my cute little sister doing right now. I know I have no right to call him my sister anymore after I abandoned my family, abandoned her.

I shouldn't be here. If he know, he'll be angry with me but I don't care. I really miss her and even I just can see her from afar it's enough for me. I stood with my disguise behind tree in front of my old house.

I slightly glad and happy that the tree still there. This tree have so many memories with me and my sister. I eyeing the house and a wave of emotions lunge me. The house look different but at the same time same.

I watch the door open and I suspect it was my parents or my sister but to my surprise it was someone I don't know. I frown while watching. I want to step forward and ask but stop to turn around.

‘Why someone else in that house? Where is everyone? Where is she?’ There is so many question in my mind.

I shake my head and decide to go back but a voice stop him, “excuse me” I turn around and meet a Baa-san that often play with me when i'm little. Seemed like she didn't recognize me, “did you have something with the house owner there?” asked her

Ah, it seemed like she know that I watching the house. “No, I didn't know the current house owner”

She smile, “you have a slightly familiar voice” comment her softly make me smile. “Perhaps you search for the previous owner? Nanase family?”

I flinch at the mention of the name. That name mean many thing for me but I just throw it away. It make me disgusting with myself for can't keep it.

Baa-san talk again even though I didn't respond his question, “how unlucky for you young man, there is no Nanase anymore”

I frown at that and decide to ask, “what you mean by that Baa-san?”

Without a doubt she tell me everything even though we ‘barely’ meet. She telling me about the son of them -me- leaving his family to following someone, about the accident which happen exact after I leave, about how my parent killed and about my…my sister who adopted by new family.

All of this make me unable to move or even breath. What…what is this? After I leave my parent killed she said, after I leave my sister experience something terrible she said, she's with a new family she said. Just a few hour after he leave.

How come it happened? his sister… his precious treasure, someone who called him that night but he just ignore it. How can I'm being a worst brother and not there when she need me the most?

Where is she now? Is she fine? Is she in a good hand? What if she's with someone bad? What happen to her now? What she's doing right now?

Third POV
It's been a week since Tenn visit his old house. And it's been a week since Tenn tried to find any information about his sister. His teammates start to get suspicious but he always can change their main focus. He almost give up but seeing their childhood photograph, where they smile widely next each other. He know he can't, he can't forget that bright smile, that shiny eyes, that pouty mouth when upset and that adorable and pretty face.

He know he will found her and bring her back to his embrace.

He just never know that meeting her again can be so hurtful.

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