3 : Insane

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Hey, guys! Honey here. I decided to write this story in third person view. I've already rewrote the last two chapters! I just want to ask a quick question. Do you want the ending of this story to be happy or sad for Ochaco?



Upon hearing her name being called out by someone that sound so familiar to her, she decided not to reveal her identity. She turned around, facing away from the person she bumped into earlier.

"You must be mistaken," Ochaco said without looking at the person.

She walked away from the incident but was stopped when a tounge was wrapped around her body. She was forced to turn around to face her old friend.

"It is you," the hero said, covering her mouth with her hand in shock. Tears welled in her eyes as she stared at Ochaco.


The frog girl pulled Ochaco into a tight hug. Ochaco wrapped her arms around Asui Tsuyu, finally being able to hold her best friend after these years of her living as a ghost.

"I can't believe it's you," Asui said in between sob.

Ochaco wished that they could be in each other's arm for as long as they could, but Ochaco was the one to let go once her hunger became unbearable.

"Can we do this while we eat somewhere? I'm starving." She patted her own stomach as she spoke, giving Asui a smile, her eyes closed.

Asui simply chuckled at Ochaco's statement while nodding. She grabbed Ochaco's hand and dragged her somewhere unknown.

Ochaco planned to wait until lunch hour to eat in a restaurant, but her hunger became worse that she needed to eat something right away. Since restaurants are closed, she just had to follow where Asui is taking her.

They had been walking for a while now and Ochaco realized that she's now in a neighbourhood. They soon arrived at an averaged size house. Ochaco recognizes this house as Asui's since she has been here before her tragic death.

They walked in and went straight to the kitchen. Asui put on an apron and started cooking for her best friend. Ochaco sat down at the dining table, nervously twirling her hair around her finger.

"Shouldn't you be working?" Asked Ochaco as she read the clock on the wall.

"You're starving, kero. I want to cook for you," the green haired girl said bluntly, eyes locked on her cooking.

"I'm sorry."

Asui was taken aback from the sudden apology and took a while for her to reply.

"Why?" Asked Asui after a while of silence.

"Because I left everyone," Ochaco said, looking down to the table while holding back her tears.

Asui was silent, not knowing what to reply to Ochaco's apology. They stayed like that for a while, in uncomfortable silence. Once Asui was done cooking, she served it to Ochaco, who quickly shoved the food down her throat after her prayer.

Asui was the one to break the silence first, "Midoriya has been a totally different person since your death."

Ochaco quickly swallowed the food in her mouth. "I know," she replied with guilt as the memory of last night came into her mind.

"What do you mean?" The green haired hero asked, tilting her head slightly in confusion.

"I mean, I was his lover and I died while on a mission with him, so he must be pretty upset." Ochaco didn't want to tell her best friend that she was a ghost and followed the man around. Surely Asui will think that it's creepy.

"Oh." It was all Asui could make out after Ochaco's statement. He wasn't just 'pretty upset', he was miserable. He still blamed himself for her death.

"He visited your grave last night," Asui stated without any knowledge of Ochaco's presence at the grave.

Ochaco only hummed in response, trying not to blow her cover. Eventhough she was there when the incident unfold, she want to hear it from Asui's perspective.

"When Bakugou found him there, he was kneeling on the ground, kero." Asui paused. "When they got to Midoriya's home, Midoriya told Bakugou that he wish you're still here."

Ochaco stayed silent until she finished the food. She didn't know what to say. She already knew about his wish when her death was just recent. For Izuku, she can't just visit him all of a sudden. He's supposed to have a new life without her.

"I need a week to figure all this out," said Ochaco as she put her hand on top of Asui's.

"Figure out what?" Asked Asui, a bit confused on Ochaco's sudden claim.

Ochaco smiled her usual smile at Asui. "Figure out why I'm back to life."

Asui gave the brunette a small smile. She then cleaned up after Ochaco since she's the guest. Ochaco waited for her best friend to say goodbye properly before she's going to find answers, for god knows how long.

"I'm going to go to a mobile phone shop. You should get back to work."

"I could accompany you," Asui told the other. Behind her usual calm tone, she's worried to let Ochaco go alone. The pro hero who died three years ago is in her house, what if Ochaco disappear right after she let her go?

Ochaco shook her head, convincing Asui to continue her morning patrol, "There's no need. Other people might need your help."

Asui was reluctant to let Ochaco go alone, but after a few rounds of convincing Ochaco did, Asui finally agreed with her.

While Ochaco was on a bus to a nearby mobile phone store, Tsuyu was heading to the area she patrolled. While walking, Froppy has hit a crossroad in morale. Should she be honest and tell Izuku or should she keep it a secret for the sake of his current wife? For someone who speaks whatever comes to her mind, it's hard to keep a secret.

At this rate, she's surely going to blabbed out the secret to the first friend she encounter. To her suprise, she found herself in front of Bakugou Katsuki, who's walking with Kirishima Eijiro.

"Hey, Bakugou? Can I talk to you alone?" If she was back in UA, no one would have expected she'll choose Bakugou over Kirishima.

"Sure." He walked away from Kirishima who's busy taking pictures with a bunch of fans.

"Would you believe if I told you that Ochaco is alive?" She asked the blond, preparing herself for him to call her crazy. No one would believe someone would come back to life unless they see the person with their own eyes.

Bakugou crossed his arms, staring at Asui for a few moments. He eventually sighed and spoke up, "You're sounding like Deku, frog-face."

"Huh?" She asked, her head tilted slightly and her finger on her chin.

Bakugou sighed once again, this time looking more frustrated. "He told me he saw Uraraka this morning outside his agency." He took a deep breath before continuing, "I think both of you are going crazy."

"I know it sounds insane, but trust me, she's alive. I cooked for her and had a conversation with her."

Bakugou stared at her, his eyes narrowed. It was silence for a few moments before Kirishima called for his boyfriend once he saw no one was talking.

Bakugou walked away from the conversation, but stopped after a few steps.

"Don't be ridiculous."

That was the last time they spoke that day, unless you count Bakugou's glare towards Asui as if she was crazy a conversation.

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