15 : His Mother

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After the meeting with Midoriya Izuku ended, the four heroes gathered at a restaurant across Izuku's agency. They sat at the booth hidden from the windows, perfect for their intention of discussing Todoroki's plan. Izuku gave each of them a mission to narrow down where the League of Villain are most likely hiding. Thankfully, they have a week before they have to turn in reports regarding their duties.

They sat silently at the table, waiting for Todoroki to speak out. Todoroki was waiting, making sure they were totally in hiding, so no fans would approach them. Once he deemed they were safe, he starts to explain his plans.

"Here's the deal. Asui," he turned to the woman who is sitting beside him, she nodded, asking him to continue, "your job is to tell every one of our friends, excluding Mina and Hagakure, about Ochaco's situation," she made a mental note to herself as to not forget about the excluded. Todoroki turned to Jirou, "You will make plans with Ochaco's closest friends so they could hang out," she nodded. "And I will find Ochaco's parents since none of us, except Midoriya, knows where they live. If I ask him it might raise suspicions."

"What about me?" The blonde of the group asked.

A small, unnoticeable smile appeared on Todoroki's face, "You will buy Jirou a new phone," he answered, patting Bakugou's hand on the table— Bakugou quickly retracted his hand. "Until then, I trust you will not tell Midoriya about this. Although, based on your words at the gathering, I wonder if we can trust you," he mumbled the last sentence, making Bakugou's eyes twitched in response.

Jirou's eyebrows furrowed together, indicating she was confused about something. "Isn't it better to just tell him?" She voiced out her confusion, twirling her earphone jack around her finger. Bakugou, who was sitting beside her, nodded in agreement.

"I thought of that before. I'm worried if we tell him, he'll confront Ochaco again. If he do that, Ochaco will never change her mind about her decision." Todoroki sighed.

Asui nodded, agreeing with Todoroki's statement. She shared her thought with the group, "Then she'll start going on about how he should move on and how she's not supposed to be here," followed by the frog-like tic.

"So, when are we going to tell him?" Asked Bakugou. It was a reasonable question since Midoriya's also part of the judgement. A major part of it.

Todoroki stood up, picking up his coat that was hung on the chair. "Once we've fulfilled the other rules." He wore his coat, fixing it so there won't be any part of his body exposed to the cold air outside. It's been getting colder and colder each day. "Any more questions?" He asked, a smile plastered on his face. That spooked them out— totally out of character for Todoroki Shoto who usually keeps a stoic face. Probably the result of the lack of sleep.

They shook their heads simultaneously as they also wrapped themselves up in their winter coats and scarf. They left the restaurant quickly, determined to help Ochaco. Jirou gave them a thumbs up and each went their separate ways to go through with the plan Todoroki cooked up.

Todoroki, however, has something to do before trying to find Ochaco's mother. He made a promise earlier, to tell his wife about what he figured out in the middle of the night. Right now, he's walking to his destination, UA High. It's been over a week since he last visited his old high school. Thanks to Momo working there, he has more of a reason to be coming there.

Todoroki arrived shortly after, heading straight towards Class 1-B. Todoroki stood in front the class, turning his head to the side to see the door to Class 1-A. The door of Class 1-A alone brings so much memory to the hero, it was the place where he met Momo and his friends, afterall.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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