11 : Unknown Family Bonding

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The sound of birds chirping is something that Ochaco look forward to wake up to every morning. She opened her eyes, looking around the room to register her location. She yawned and pulled the cover back onto her body when she realized it was Yaomomo's house.

She jolted awake, memory of last night came flooding into her mind. She got up from bed, looking at the clock on the wall. 8.42 am. Her heads throbbed as she took a step towards the door. She's already regretting drinking so much last night.

She closed her eyes when the bright light of the hallway hit her. She shut the door behind her, slowly walking down the stairs. Ochaco went straight to the kitchen knowing Yaomomo would be there.

"Ah, you're awake," Yaomomo smiled at Ochaco (who is still wearing yesterday's outfit) as she finishes up her cooking.

"Please, please tell me it was all just a dream.." Ochaco whined, sitting down at the dining table.

"You mean, last night when you got intoxicated and met everyone in the worst way possible?" Yaomomo tittered, setting down their breakfast on the table.

The headache she was experiencing was already enough proof of last night, and hearing Yaomomo word it like that made it more embarassing. She groaned, hitting her head on the table lightly over and over again.

Momo made swift work of her quirk, creating a small pillow and sliding it into position before Ochaco hits herself again. Ochaco raised her head once it landed on the soft pillow. She sighed and placed the pillow on the chair next to her.

"Where's Todo?" She asked the black haired woman. Momo gave her a glass of water and sat down in front of her.

"He's picking up Takashi at the babysitter's." She watched as Ochaco drinks the water.

Ochaco grabs a bowl of rice and a pair of chopstick, "God, I hope no one tells him," she mumbled then starts eating. Eventhough she knows someone's bound to blab it out, especially the ones that can't keep their mouth shut, she still hopes it won't happen.

"Oh, what do you meant when you said you followed him everyday?

Ochaco tensed up when after hearing the question. "I said that?" She asked, making it seem like it was just something stupid she said that didn't mean anything at all. She laughed awkwardly. "Well, I wasn't in the right state of mind so..." Momo looked at her, not believing what she said. Like people said, drunk words are sober thoughts.

Momo was about to eat as well, but was abruptly stopped when she heard someone knocking on the door. She got up and quickly headed for the door. The opened door revealed floating clothes.

"I wasn't expecting you, Hagakure." She smiled and opened the door wider for Hagakure to come in.

"Yeah, I just need to talk to Uraraka," she said, almost sounding a bit guilty to do so.

Momo closed the door and lead Hagakure to the kitchen where Ochaco is eating. Ochaco looked up once she saw them came in. "H-hey," she stuttered.

"Can you give us some privacy?" Hagakure shyly asked, rubbing the back of her neck, from what Momo could tell by the movement of her sleeve.

Momo nodded and left the kitchen for the two to talk alone. Hagakure sat down, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. They sat there quietly for a few moments, before Hagakure starts speaking again.

"There's no other way to say this, but," she paused, looking around and finding the right words. "I need you to stay away from Midoriya."

Momo on the other side of the wall was listening intently. "Stay away?" She mumbled to herself.

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