10 : Only Realising After Death

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She sat back down after announcing her true identity, smiling to herself like an idiot. 'She is definitely drunk,' Asui, who now recognizes it's Ochaco, thought. The whole room was shocked, and of course, they didn't believe her. With the makeup and the wig, she looks like a different person.

Bakugou stood up quickly, storming over to her. Kirishima tried to stop him, but his hand was only slapped away by Bakugou. "Bitch, who the fuck do you think you are? You aren't the gravity bitch! She's in her fucking grave!" He screamed at Ochaco.

Sure, Bakugou does have a way with words and everyone know this by now, but what he said was hurtful.

Ochaco looked at him with a sad expression, almost like she's sorry for him, head tilted slightly. "Aw," she said sadly, then turning her head to look at Momo. "That's sad, he doesn't believe me."

Little sparks of explosion could be heard from his palm as he turned his attention to Momo. "What the fuck?"

Iida stood up and placed his hand on top of Bakugou's shoulder. He pushed his glasses, staring at Ochaco. He really wanted to believe that it is her, but there is no way for her to be back. "Bakugou, please calm down and we'll figure this out." Bakugou did as he told, after many years he finally learned how to control his emotions. "Why are you claiming that you're Uraraka?"

Everyone else that doesn't know it's actually Ochaco focused on her, waiting for her to reply. She laughed and laid down on the floor. "Because I am her!" She exclaimed. "And I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."

Some were mad, and some didn't know how to react. Asui finally takes action, speaking up when the ones angry started shouting at Ochaco to drop the act. "It's her, I can confirm it, kero."

They were all confused. Momo stood up, standing in front of Ochaco, she took a deep breath. "It is Uraraka. I put on makeup on her to change her features."

A shocked expression is visible on everyone's face, except Bakugou. He couldn't believe it, he won't believe it until he knows it's totally true. He scoffed, earning looks from the others that knows it's Ochaco. "What is this? Some kind of a sick fucking joke? She fucking died three years ago, how would she be back?"

Jirou huffed and stood up, grabbing Momo's and Ochaco's hand, then dragging them to the nearest bathroom. The sound of water and Ochaco's laugh could be heard from the other side.

"I can't believe this." Hagakure chimed in. To be completely honest, she's having mixed feelings about this. Ochaco has been her friend for many years, but having Ochaco back could ruin the chances of Mina being completely happy again.

"You must have known about this, huh?" Ojiro asked the question towards Kaminari, who nodded slowly.

Kaminari pointed to Todoroki, "Todoroki too."

Iida looked at them with hope in his eyes. "So, it's totally true?" The three of them nodded, and Iida fell to his knees, shedding a few tears.

"You believe this shit too?"

"Bakugou, it's true. Me and Kyoka asked her a few questions and she answered them all correctly."

"Yeah, right. What kind of dumb questions did you asked?"

Jirou slammed the bathroom door open, Momo right behind her with her arm around Ochaco. Everybody else stared at them with gaping mouth, seeing the proof right in front of them.

Bakugou, with his back facing the three lady, laughed slightly. "What now?" He turns around, and what he saw wasn't something that he expected. Ochaco, with her face that isn't full of makeup was pouring more drink for herself and Yaomomo was trying to stop her.

"Do you believe it now?" Jirou huffed and sat back down at her spot beside Kaminari.

He stilled in his spot, staring at the brunette who is now sitting down beside Jirou. "What? How?" He asked, looking around the room if anyone has answers.

They all shrugged, except Iida. He was still trying to process all of this. Without a single thought, his body moved on it's own, giving Ochaco a hug. She giggled, placing her drink down on the floor and wrapped her hands around Iida.

All of them joined in, leaving Bakugou with a clenched jaw standing in the middle of the room. "I won't leave ever again," she slurred her words a bit, feeling the warmth engulfing her.

When the group hug dissipated, Kirishima turned towards Bakugou, giving him a small smile. Iida in the background was still holding onto Ochaco, sobbing a bit into her shoulder.

Bakugou walked over to her and Iida backed away from Ochaco, thinking Bakugou had the intention of hugging her as well. The explosive quirk user kneeled down to be eye level with her.

He raised his hand, swinging it to meet Ochaco's face. She held her swollen cheek while they stared, not believing what just happened. He chuckled slightly and Ochaco looked at him with a frightened expression.

"What the hell was that for?" Jirou grabbed him by the collar, threatening him with her earphone jack right in front of his face.

"She deserved it! After three years? She's just going to waltz back here?" His voice was different. Not like his usual raised voice he used everyday. It has a tint of protectiveness in them. "She's been back since the day Deku saw her, isn't she? And she doesn't even have the nerve to meet him first? Doesn't she know what she did to him? What happened to him after she died?"

Jirou lets go of him as she watched Ochaco's face fell to the ground. Ochaco smiled sadly, although no one was able to see it. "I know. I know everything. I followed him everday for the past years. I didn't intend to come back, it was just something stupid that I did that made me be here." She raised her head, "But I don't regret it. It made me realise how special a human's life is."

Bakugou scoffed as he picked himself up from the floor. "I'm leaving." Kirishima understood what he meant and quickly stood up.

The red haired male grinned, "We should do this again!" He bolted through the door with Bakugou following him right behind.

He suddenly stopped and shoved his hand into his pocket. "Just because you're here doesn't mean everything's back normal." And with that, he left.

"Um, I hope I'm not being rude but... I'm asking everyone to leave, please," Momo said sadly, bowing as a sign of apology.

"That's fine."

"It's okay."

"Thank you for coming," Todoroki spoke.

They all nodded, leaving one by one. Ochaco stares at the floor, feeling pretty down after her conversation with Bakugou. It's true they were close back in high school, but she guessed that he prioritizes Deku. Bakugou cares about Izuku, even if he doesn't show it often.

"I'll be seeing you soon," said Iida, standing in front of her.

She looked up to him and giggled. "Byeeeee."

Asui, Iida, Kaminari and Jirou said goodbye to each other and the married couple. The house returned to it's original state, silent and peaceful, though a little messy.

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