4 : Meeting A Shaman

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Ochaco had finally gotten her hand on a mobile phone, giving her access to all of her social medias. She still remember her passwords to these days. To other people, it might just be a bunch of numbers jumbled up, but to her, it hold a special place in her heart.

Writing her password to login on Instagram, the occasion crossed her mind, making her think about it all again.

It was around 7 on a Sunday about seven years ago, she was just sitting alone on the couch, waiting for her boyfriend at the time to come home. A movie was playing on the television. She was just watching it because she had nothing better to do, but by now she was too into the movie to change channel.

Her phone was suddenly blaring with notification after notification, making it hard for her to focus on the movie. She clicked her tounge, annoyed, grabbing her phone, attention still on the TV.

Her eyes averted towards the technology in her hand, and the frown on her face from being forced to ignore the movie turned into a heartfelt smile. It was her boyfriend, asking her to wear a dress and meet him at the location he just sent.

She thought about how tonight's date will be, as she was going through her closet, picking out a dress that isn't too elegant but won't make her be too underdressed. Maybe tonight will be special, maybe he's going to pop the question, maybe it's just another regular date.

'Eh, it's still our anniversary.'

She looked at herself in the mirror, wearing a laced dress. It was a dark blue color, the skirt reaching to her knees. She wore a belt around her waist, just adding those little touches.

She's not the type of girls to go overboard with makeup, just a red lipstick, eye shadow and mascara. She looked at herself one final time before gathering her house key, her phone and her makeup (for touching up), putting them in her handbag.

She locked the door and followed the location Izuku sent. It isn't too far from their house, she could make it by foot.

She arrived at a restaurant, not bothering to read the name since she was too excited. From outside, you could already tell the restaurant was fancy, seeing the style and decorations.

She walked into the restaurant, picturing how this night would go. She had always imagined of how it would go when she would be laying in bed, trying to fall asleep. But for it to actually happen caught her off guard, and she felt tears in her eyes.

With those damn high heels she's wearing, she tried her hardest to run towards Izuku, who was on one knee, holding a ring in his hand. Izuku quickly got up seeing Ochaco made her way towards him.

It was a soft kiss, long enough for him to taste her lipstick even after they had parted.

"I love you, Ochaco. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you, build a family together and live our lives like what we would imagine it to be during those late night talks in high school. I'd give up anything to hear a 'yes' from you right now." Happy tears formed in his eyes as well, like the crybaby he is.

"Of course I'll marry you, you should already know my answer."

He slipped the ring on her finger, kissing her once again. "Just making sure."

It wasn't just a date of their anniversary, it was the date of their engagement. She cried at the memory, and this tears isn't like when Izuku proposed. This is tears from sadness. She doesn't understand, it's a happy occasion, why would she be crying?

She recieved a lot of notifications on Instagram. Most of them was comments from the last picture she uploaded. She clicked on the picture and read the comments she received.

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