9 : The Gathering

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Day 8 of coming back to life.

The living room was filled with the sound of music blaring from the television, which Jirou was playing through chrome cast, and the sound of Ochaco's footsteps as she paced back and forth. The idea of meeting Iida Tenya has continuously been on her mind since the day Jirou mentioned it.

No, she isn't nervous. She's more than thrilled to meet her best friend. The thing is, she's worried if Iida would pressure her to meet her ex-husband.

"Can you stop doing that? It's getting annoying," Jirou said, clearly annoyed by the tone of her voice. She's been trying to enjoy the music while she scrolled through her social media for minutes now.

Ochaco stopped pacing and sat down next to Jirou on the sofa. Her face was as close as possible to Jirou's without coming in contact. "Aren't you curious why I'm doing that?"

Jirou pushed her face away, sighing and turning to Ochaco. "Fine, why?" She groaned.

"Since you asked, I'm thinking of meeting Iida but-"

"But you're afraid?" The purple haired woman cut her sentence off. "Dude, if anything, he would feel responsible to keep it a secret. You know how he is."


Jirou cut her off again, "No buts. You said you would meet everyone, I'm making sure you're meeting everyone." She turned her attention to her phone again, until she suddenly looked up.

"What?" Ochaco asked, her eyebrow raised in confusion.

"So, a few months ago, Yaomomo planned on holding a casual reunion for our class." Ochaco nodded, signalling her to continue. "Everyone finally agreed on a date a while back. She just reminded all of us that it's today."


Jirou can't help but let a small smile creep up on her face as she tell Ochaco her suggestion, "Don't you think it's a great way to meet all of them at once?" Ochaco got up from her seat, shaking her head aggressively. "Before you say anything, Midoriya and Mina won't be there, he has a meeting and she is taking care of their daughter because of the cold."

She sat back down and calmed down, her mind playing a few scenarios of how the night would probably go. "I'm gonna need a few outfits though," she said, smiling awkwardly which Jirou sighed in response.

"Can't you just ask Yaomomo to make some? I'm kind of saving money."

The brunette replied with a simple 'okay' as she took out her phone from her pocket and started messaging Yaomomo.

"It took a long time, but she finally agreed," she spoke after almost a half an hour of her convincing Yaomomo. Most of Yaomomo's message was just her explaining how it would be bad for the economy.

"Good for you," she replied short while browsing through the channels on the television. After a while, she stopped on a show starring a blond haired man that caught Ochaco's eyes.

She pointed to the man and squealed, Jirou turning to face her with a look that screamed 'what is it now?'. The brunette placed her hands on her cheeks as she stared at the actor with heart eyes.

"See that actor?"

"Yeah, it's Nakemoto Haru. Well, I like him for his singing talent," she stated but Ochaco only dismissed it as she point to herself.

"I went on a date with him!" She exclaimed, pointing back and forth between her and Haru. "Can you believe it?"

"Um, no?"

"I lied to him about my name and all, obviously."

Jirou didn't know how to react. She understands why Ochaco would want to start a new life, but has she really moved on from Izuku? She forced a smile to show that she supports her decision no matter what.

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