5 : The Reason Why

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"You aren't just any human, are you?" The old lady asked, her smile never leaving her wrinkled face.

Ochaco gulped, it seems like she really knows what she's doing.

"I'm Fujikawa Yuka. One of the last Itako in Japan. Most people doesn't even know our existence, it suprised me that you're visiting me. I'm sure you came here with a reason."

Ochaco let out a breathy chuckle. "My name's Uraraka Ochaco. I died three years ago, but it looks like I came back to life. I want to know why."

She waited for Fujikawa to respond, but she was still smiling at Ochaco, silence engulfing both of them.


"You didn't come back to life. You're both spirit and human. That's why people can see you but you can still see ghosts." Ochaco was shocked at the revelation. Now she's just borderline confused.

"What does that mean?" She asked, totally lost in this whole thing.

"I still don't have the answer." Fujikawa said, which just annoyed Ochaco. "You must be hungry after a long day of travelling. You should eat somewhere and come back later."

Ochaco was even more annoyed, but Fujikawa's right, she is hungry. She haven't ate since yesterday.

"When I come back, you'll know the answer?"

Fujikawa nodded only, her smile still wide. It was the only thing standing out about her, excluding the fact that she's blind and can possibly talk to spirits. The smile that never leaves her face, it was there even when she's talking.

Ochaco got up from where she sat, "I'll see you later, then."

She quickly got out of the house, the atmosphere was too much for Ochaco to handle. Ochaco wanted to praise Fujikawa for living there, and all alone too.

She walked away from the house, her hands in her pockets. She reached the stores that was near the bus stop, hoping there'll be a restaurant.

Her prayer was answered when she stumbled upon a soba-ya, a restaurant specializing in soba noodle, anyone could tell from the name. She stepped inside, and there was only a few people.

She sat on an empty chair and asked the cook for a hot soba.

'Todoroki prefer cold soba over hot.'

She smiled to herself while waiting for her food. The man sitting beside her was stealing glances of her whenever he could.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked once he finished his food.

Ochaco let out a little laugh before answering, "Nothing, I'm just thinking about my friend."

The man's body is now turned to Ochaco, giving her his full attention. "So, where are you from?"

"Musutafu. I'm just here to see the shaman," she answered, happy to be talking to someone even if it's a stranger you meet in a soba restaurant.

"You believe in that kind of stuff?"

"Not in the past."

Her food had now arrived in front of her. Right as she was about to dig in, the male beside her gave a piece of paper to her.

"The name's Nakemoto Haru," and with that, he left the shop, leaving a somewhat flustered Ochaco holding the piece of paper.

Ochaco can't help but smile once she realized what Haru was doing. She opened the folded piece of paper, reading the content of it.

'0X-XXXX-XXXX (The handsome stranger)'

She laughed and proceed to eat her hot soba. The features of the man stuck into her mind. His ash blond hair falling forward when he turns around to face her, his dark blue eyes gazing into her auburn ones. It's making her feel like a school girl again.

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