7 : Interrogation

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Haru dropped her off at Earphone Jack's agency, waving goodbye to her as he drove off into the distance. Ochaco stands in front of the building, taking a deep breath before she walked in.

She went over to the front desk where a sidekick of the hero is sitting at, typing something into the computer. Jirou's sidekick look at her questioningly.

Ochaco spoke up, fiddling with her fingers, "I'm a friend of Jirou Kyoka." She smiles at the sidekick, hopefully he won't ask any questions.

"Name?" He asked tiredly, almost like he's encounter this before. He probably did, given that Jirou does have a lot of fans that admire her talent, as a hero and a singer.

She contemplated whether she should give her real name or her made up name. In the end, she gave her fake name, "Matsuyama Asami."

His expression stayed blank as he instructed Ochaco to wait on a seat. Ochaco only stared at the ground, imagining how awkward this reunion would go.

The door opened, but instead of revealing the person she was waiting for, Kaminari Denki came in. He looked energized as usual.

Kaminari greeted the sidekick and his eyes landed on Ochaco Uraraka. Thinking that he has seen her before, he went up to Ochaco who hasn't realized Kaminari's presence.

"Hey, why do I feel like I know you?" Kaminari asked, trying really hard to remember.

She looked up to see Kaminari towering over her. Ochaco tried her hardest not to laugh, does he seriously doesn't remember her? It's probably from going into Jamming-way mode too much.

His eyes suddenly widened, looking at Ochaco up and down. He shrieked, finally realizing it's his high school friend. He looked around, backing up and sitting far away from Ochaco.

He took out his phone, dialing someone's number and placing it on his ear. "You need to come, now," he whispered, still making eye contact with the brunette. "It's important."

Ochaco had minded her own business by now, but Kaminari's gaze is still locked on her. Until Jirou came into the building, saying something about how she was having a peaceful patrol until Kaminari called her.

"What's so important, anyway?" She asked, twirling her ear jack around her fingers. Kaminari stood up, forcibly turning Jirou's body towards Ochaco. "Shit. It is important."


Ochaco felt like she's being interrogated. Kaminari and Jirou are discussing something quietly while she's forced to stay still in her seat.

"Okay." Jirou turned to face her, Kaminari doing the same. "I know you look like Uraraka. But there's varieties of quirk out there. So, who are you?" She extend her jack, stopping a few inches away from Ochaco's face.

"Um, I'm Uraraka Ochaco."

They looked at each other, nodding as they did so. "Where did you confess to Midoriya?" Kaminari asked.

"In his dorm room, 2-A."

"What happened after that?"

"We had an awkward kiss."

"Why did you become close to Bakugou?"

"To stake out his weakness."

Jirou retract her jack and sat down in front of Ochaco. "I need an explanation," she stated. Kaminari sat down as well, waiting for Ochaco to speak.

"There isn't much explanation, I just came back to life," she lied.

"Dude, I don't know what to think about this," Kaminari said, laying back in his seat.

"Think? You?" Jirou snickered, covering her mouth with her hand to keep her from laughing out loud.

"Hey!" He pouted, "You're mean, Kyoka." He crossed his arms over his chest, fake sulking.

"I think she have a point. You took two minutes trying to figure out who I was."

The girls laughed at Ochaco's statement while Kaminari is still pouting. The laughter died down and Jirou opened her mouth to say something but closed it back.

Ochaco noticed Jirou's action and spoke. "I know you have a lot of questions, so I'm going to answer them." She smiled reassuringly, placing her hand on top of Jirou's.

"How long are you, you know, back to life?" Asked Kaminari.

"Three days."

"Does anybody else knows?" Jirou twirled her ear jack around her fingers, looking at Ochaco intensely for an answer. She must have met someone else since she have been back for three days.

"Tsuyu," she listed, counting with her fingers, "Todoroki, Yaomomo, All Might and Mr Aizawa."

"Man, I can't believe you're alive," said Kaminari, placing his head on the desk in front of them.

"Where did you sleep?" Jirou questioned, a little worried for Ochaco's well being during the last couple days.

"I stayed at Yaomomo's house last night."

"You can stay at our's for tonight," said the purple haired hero.

Ochaco nodded a yes, before realizing what Jirou just said. "Our's?"

"Yeah, we moved in together." They interlaced their fingers together, Kaminari kissing her hand.

Ochaco squealed from hearing the news. "That is so cute!" She bounced slightly in her seat, clapping her hands together. "When are you getting married?" She asked with a mischievous grin.

Jirou had a slight tint of red on her cheeks while Kaminari was stammering and waving his hands in front of him. "We kind of want to wait for a while, until we're sure that we're fully ready," Jirou replied.

"I don't know how you and Midoriya did it, with hero work and all. We have trouble even now," Kaminari said, which recieved a kick from Jirou from under the table. "Hey! What was that for?" He rubbed his leg slightly until he noticed Ochaco's facial expression.

"I'm so fucking sorry for his words," Jirou apologized on behalf of Kaminari who didn't know what to do. If only he stopped and think about what he's going to say. It's Kaminari Denki, the man who had a reputation on frying his brain when using his quirk above his limit, what exactly would anyone expect.

"It's okay, it was in the past. Everyone's moved on." Ochaco gave a small smile, obvious to the chaotic couple that it wasn't genuine.

Jirou didn't want to accidentally mess with Ochaco's emotions again, so she told Ochaco that they have to continue their patrol. The brunette nodded and stepped out of Jirou's office. A ding from the elevator could be heard from the distance.

Jirou faced Kaminari who was moving around in his seat a little too much, feeling guilty at what he just did. She sent her ear jack towards Kaminari, closing his eyes shut as he brace for whatever Jirou's going to do to him.

Jirou sighed, making the electric quirk user to open his eyes. "Don't ever, tell anyone about her. She obviously want to meet everyone herself, we should give her the chance," she threatened her boyfriend. Who knows what's going to happen to him if he tell someone. He'd probably be dead in the morning with no trace of suspect.

He nodded quickly in response to Jirou's threat. A little shakened up from it, he stuttered to form a sentence, "Let's go, then." The blond avoided Jirou's sharp glare, if looks could kill, the blond would be dead right about now.


I hope you're enjoying this story as much as I do! Sorry if it's a little slow right now, I promise the next few chapters will have so much happening. She'll meet Deku soon ;).

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