A Warm Welcome Back to Family.

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A/N: Welcome back to the second chapter. We're starting to get more into plot changes and overall dialogue fixes. Hoping the wait time between chapters isn't too long. Doing my best, ya know? Either way, I hope you enjoy it.

Masamune POV

Masamune: "It's been a while. Hasn't it been, like, a year? You're Eromanga-sensei? That stream earlier... Was it you?"

Sagiri: "I don't know anyone by that name."

Masamune: "I can't hear you."

Sagiri: "I... I don't know anyone by that name."

Masamune: "Then why did you pick a pen name like that?" 

As he says this, another figure comes to the door.

Y/N: "I don't know either. Strange, but I won't judge. If that's all you're going to bring up, then you're better off leaving." *Y/N starts to close the door*

Masamune: Wait, this is my big chance to talk to both of them! I can't let it go to waste just like that!

He tries to stop the door from closing.

Masamune: "Whoa! Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Sagiri: "Let go!"

Y/N: "Hey, stop that. You're acting stubborn. If you continue this, you're going to regret it." 

He says this while trying his best to shut the door.

Masamune: "Sagiri. Aren't you Eromanga-sensei, who draws illustrations for 'Silverwolf of Reincarnate'?"

Sagiri: "I-I'm not..."

Masamune: "That's amazing! That stream earlier. That illustration you made was incredibly cutesy! So many of your fans were watching, too. You made them all happy. You've been doing some amazing things. Your... Your illustrations are really erotic. A-And Sagiri, actually, I-I..."

Sagiri: "Nooooo!" 

She pushes back Masamune with what looks to be a controller of sorts. 

Sagiri: "Go away!"

Y/N *While wearing the outfit of a certain Italian mother stand user* "Sagiri, I got this. I warned you, did I not? Bother us, and you will pay... Yet you persisted anyways, and now Sagiri is uncomfortable and upset! You will now pay dearly for what you've done! AriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAriAri Ari ARI." 

He stands there and makes a menacing pose.

Y/N: "Arrivederci." That will teach him not to provoke us for no reason. That was really uncalled for.

Masamune staggers back from being punched. Damn. That hurt, for a fourteen-year-old's punches, that is. "I won't give up that easily. I'll reconnect with my siblings soon enough."

Y/N POV a couple minutes after

Y/N: *While closing the door* "I'm sorry that he did that to you, Sagiri. That must have been unnerving..."

Sagiri: *Looks visibly distressed* "Onii-chan, I'm worried that he was just saying those things. I'm worried that he will actually disapprove of my art, and he was just saying stuff to make me trust him. In short, Onii-chan, I'm worried he may disrupt my lifestyle. He may try to force me to do things I don't want to."

Y/N: *Sits down and consoles her* "Sagiri, you know I'd never allow anyone to force anything upon you. Especially anything that you wouldn't want to. I'm sure he actually doesn't mind your art, and who knows, he might have been genuinely curious about it." 

I Wanted my Sister to go Outside, So I Made Friends. (Eromanga Sensei x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now