The end of the war and the start of a new chapter.

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A/N: Welcome back my friends to another new chapter I was originally going to make this an extended chapter with a full episode but found the perfect cliff hanger to leave the episode on so went against it. Also this episode had a very under utilized scene so I made it longer because why not. Also Narrator-San will be a permanent edition to the book as now narrations shall be done through him. but character actions will still be * but longer actions with multiple characters will work with Narrator-San. With that out of the way enjoy.

Y/N: "Um, shouldn't it be the other way around?"

Elf-sensei: "Nope! Today your the master while I'm the servant. But why stand there and gasp at my beauty, you two should come inside for I have something special for the both of you."

Y/N: "Well then I won't waste your time, come on Masamune lets see what elf-sensei has for us." 

Narrator-San: They both walk into Elf Yamada's house and go to sit on her couch where they see she has prepared them a meal.

Masamune: "You cooked all this yourself."

Y/N: I'm a bit surprised she choose to make us a meal. Though I guess she does make one every time that I come here.

Elf-sensei: "Yes, everything. Everything you see was made from scratch. Now, eat up! Except for you, Y/N-kun. For what you did two weeks ago, you deserve a light death!"

Y/N: How does one, 'die lightly'? "I'm surprised you still have a grudge from that long. Also, what did I do to warrant this?"

Elf-sensei: "You went to town with someone else and didn't tell me. And because of that I was outside your house waiting for several hours for you to come back home! You could've at least replied to my texts and told me you weren't coming home anytime soon."

Y/N: "You weren't seriously waiting outside for that long, right?! That's a ridiculous amount of time to be waiting!"

Elf-sensei: *She blushes profusely* "I was! So, to make amends for that..." *She delicately parts some of her hair* "I-I want you to kiss my forehead and tell me how sorry you are. I want you to beg for my undivided attention!"

Y/N: "No, I'm not doing that. I have pride, and won't be doing that." That's way too embarrassing! It may be a punishment, and maybe if Masamune weren't here it would be better.

Elf-sensei: "Oh come on, if I asked any other one of my servant they would do it in a heart beat. This punishment is more like a reward to almost everyone! So why not get it over with?"

Y/N: "While that may be true, the amount of embarrassment I would get from Masamune watching is enough to kill. Also, if Sagiri found out, she'd probably be pretty upset. She's a pretty protective sister."

Elf-sensei: *pouting* "OH come on! I'm basically giving you what people would pay thousands for, and all for free! I'm the celebrity here! So who's really embarrassed here?" *Thinking she calms down before replying* "Wait, why am I getting worked up, this is your punishment. That means you have to do it. Or else I will remain mad at you!" *She points her index finger at him* "So make your choice."

Y/N: "Fine. If that's what it takes to be on your good side again then I'll do it. Masamune, if you tell Sagiri about this, I'll end you the second I see you."

Elf-sensei: "Ya! I win, I win! My influence is yet again shown here today."

Masamune: So she totally has a thing for Y/N, right? "This is a really strange revelation. Wait a second, I thought we were here because you were going to show us your work."

Elf-sensei: "I'll explain that in a moment, but first this. Come on Y/N go ahead and tell me how sorry you are."

Y/N: "Ok, ok... I get it." 

I Wanted my Sister to go Outside, So I Made Friends. (Eromanga Sensei x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now