Trauma and Plagg -2

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This is one of the songs I listen to while I write these. And thanks to AANekoo and FanFics4u667, for helping with editing and grammar. I hope you enjoy it!

3rd person Pov-

Marinette made her way up their stairs for the second time with Alya today. They chatted and as they got to Marrinette's room, and put down their stuff, Marinette sat in her office chair and Alya sat on Marinette's bed. As Marinette snuck a cookie to Tikki that she had nabbed from down stairs in the bakery, she turned around in her chair placing her bag gently on her desk; careful not to hurt Tikki.

"Oh my god! Mari!" Alya exclaimed as she sat up from where she was on Marinette's bed.

"Yup that's me." Marinette said before standing up and walking over to where her friend was pacing; fixated on her phone.

"I..You..Just take the phone!" Alya said as she shoved the phone into Marinette's face.

As Marinette pulled the phone away from her face and sat next to Alya. She looked at the phone and saw that her Lady-Blog had gotten 300k views. She immediately sat up and looked down at Alya.

"Alya that's great! A whole bunch of people love what you do!" Marinette said as she walked around her room.

"No that's not it.Look at my photo album." Alya said with her face in her hands, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Um, okay." Marinette said and hesitantly scrolled through her photo album. She gasped when Marinette found what she assumed her best friend wanted her to see.

"When you know how I go to the scene of the battle and follow Ladybug and Chat Noir. Well I guess I followed a little too far. Luckily I wasn't filming when I took that photo." Alya said with her head still in her hands. As Marinette sat down on her bed next to her best friend. She began, "Ok, look...

Adrien's Pov

As I walked out of school I see Marinette and Alya walking down the stairs talking and smiling. Marinette looks different today, did she get a haircut? I thought as I made my way down the steps where Nino was waiting for me.

"Hey dude! Whatcha thinkin 'bout?" Nino asked as we made our way to the curb where my body and guard was holding the limo door open for me.

"Just about how much I need to get done today." I lied as I stepped into the car. "Ok well, just don't think too hard we have that test tomorrow!" Nino said as my bodyguard closed the car door. As he started the car I got lost on my thoughts.


I wonder what Ladybug is doing right now? I thought as I felt a light poke on my side.

"Um..Hey kid." Plagg whispered, interrupting my thoughts. As I went to glare down at my kwami, I found my car door open. Oh, oops. I thought as I stepped out of the car; closing my bag.I mentally apologized to Plagg for glaring at him; as I thanked my bodyguard. When I made my way to the steps of my house I was about to open the door; but Natalie beat me to it. As I stepped inside, I was met with the cold unforgiving eyes of my father.

"Father." I greeted him as I stopped in my attempt to make a run to my room.

"Adrien don't forget you have fencing tomorrow, and practice your piano today." Father said flatly before turning to go back to his office.

As I made my way to my room I unpacked my stuff and sat at my desk. I was about to start on my homework (because he's a good bean) when I heard a loud growl. I was about to look down at my stomach, but Plagg burst out of my bag and chewed me out for not packing more cheese before disappearing into one of my cabinet's to search for his disgusting Camembert. I turned my lip up, before turning back to my computer. As I focused on homework, I found my mind wandering towards Ladybug.

"What's that face for? You look like you were hit by cupid." Plagg said closer to me than I expected, as he harped down the last bits of his cheese.

"Aaahh!" I exclaimed as I fell out of my chair. I was going to chew out Plagg for scaring me.

"What do you want." I grumbled as I sat back up and turned in my chair to look at the kwami.

"Well you make this face whenever you're thinking about Ladybug." Plagg said as he tried to imitate what I thought was my face.

"Ugh, you're such a pain!" I say, as I roll my eyes and turn to my computer ready to continue my homework.

"Yah yah." I hear Plagg say before disappearing.


"Hey Plagg, what time is it?" I ask before looking into the top right corner of my computer. As I read the time I jump out of my chair and turn to the cabinet where I thought Plagg was.

"Over here kid." I hear a voice say as I turn to see him sitting on my pillow,looking up at me from across my big ass room.

"Plagg why didn't you tell me it was already 7:30! We were supposed to meet Ladybug at 7!" I loudly exclaimed, but not loud enough for the rest of the mansion to hear.

"Well I wanted you to get your homework done first." Plagg said as he floated over a few feet away from my face.

"That's no excuse! Hero work comes first, then homework. We'll talk about this later" I say as I transform into my alter ego, Chat Noir. I leap out of my open window and run across the roofs of Paris to get to the Eiffel Tower where Ladybug and I were supposed to meet 30 minutes ago.

Word count 996 (not including my author's note) I hope you enjoyed the extra long chapter! I hope you had a good week!

Can you guess what Marinette and Alya talked about? 

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