Realization -16

25 0 4

Marinette's Pov- 

Are you good?-Ad

I smile and glance down at Adrien who was focused on the board. 

Yah, I just had a rough morning.-M

I fold the note back up and carefully balance the note on his right shoulder when the teacher wasn't looking. I gasp as I watch the note fall off of his shoulder, but before it could hit the ground Adrien had caught it in his grasp. I knit my eyebrows together as I start to wonder.

The smirk he gave me, the confidence. I found out Adrien knew my secret only a day after I found out that Chat knew it as well. The attitude Adrien has when he's really confident about something is similar to the way Chat acts. I ponder over all the times with Adrien and all the times with Chat. Until it hits me.

Oh my god! Wait no no no no, Chat can't be Adrien! That stupid can't possibly be the wonderful gorgeous Adrien I know! I scream internally as I stare at Adrien, who was sitting in front of me innocently working. I started to calm down and tell myself that it couldn't be Adrien, so it wasn't. 

That is until Adrien turned around and gave me a cheeky smile, almost exactly like Chat's.

I gasp as he turns back to the front, I decide to raise my hand and the teacher calls me.

"Yes Ms. Dupain-Cheng?" She asks with chalk still in her hand.

"M-may I use the restroom?" I stutter.

"Sure!" She says with a smile, turning back to the board.

"Thank you!" I say as I snatch my bag and head out, trying not to have a panic attack in the classroom.


As I close the stall door I hear a little sneeze. I open my bag to find Tikki and Plagg, snuggling. 

"Shhhhh!" Plagg whisper shouts at me as I open the bag.

"Oh, sorry." I mumble as I close the bag. I try to calm down and try to remember all the times Chat and I were together. And all the times Adrien and I were together, I didn't really get anything form that little trip down memory lane. Other than their personalities are similar and they both can make my heart flutter, as well as make my eyes roll. 

"Ughh." I hear the bathroom door open, as I fix my appearance I hear the sink run.

I walk out to see the mystery girl washing her face.

"Are you new?" I ask as focus on my hands.

As I look back to the mystery girl I see her glaring at me.

"Umm, sorry? Did I miss something?" I ask as I dried my hands.

"Just stay away from Adrien!" She says, getting really close to my face. She scoffs before walking out.

"Well, she's not friendly." I say when she leaves.

"Well no shit Marinette!?" I hear Plagg yell at me from my bag.

"Ugh, I'm going back to class. Stay quiet please, and quit sneaking away from Adrien!" I whisper shout at him as I make my way back to class.

"Ahh!!" I exclaim as I get yanked backwards by my bag, falling on my ass.

"You finally figured it out!??!?!" Tikki asks as she comes bursting from my bag.

"Um, sort of? I just figured it out while you and Plagg were snuggling." I say with a smirk.

I chuckle as I watch the kwami's blush, I get up and brush myself off and resume my journey towards class.

As I step in I see the strangely aggressive girl in my spot playing with Adrien's hair. Wow, he looks really uncomfortable, I think as I walk up to the teacher.

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