Truth or Dare -6

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Hello! I hope you had a good weekend! Here is your dose of Adrinette fluff, I hope you liked my extra long chapter! Sorry for not updating, I was at my relatives house. But I'm not dead!

Marinette's Pov-

I was still in shock from what I had just witnessed, Holy shit! I think as Adrien voices my thoughts.

"Holy shit! Why didn't you tell us?" Adrien says as he sits up and removes his leg from it's resting place on my leg.

"We just weren't sure if we should tell you because we weren't sure ourselves." Nino says calmly as Alya goes back to scrolling through her phone. 

"Huh, okay. So are you dating?" I ask picking my jaw up off the floor, and out of my shock.

"Well, we weren't really sure about that ourselves. So that's why we didn't want to tell you." Alya says, putting her phone down as she lifts her head to look at us.

"Okay well we have to get this game finished before we all have to leave for bed." I say as I sit up next to Adrien.

"Alright, I have the thing right here." Alya says while pulling out here phone again and pushing Nino out of her lap. I watch Alya pull something up on her phone, Nino pouts as he get's plopped onto the floor in front of her. Adrien and I chuckle at the new couple.

"Cool." Adrien say in unison. 

"Aright here's the first one, Mari truth or dare?" Alya asks, and she lowers her phone turning to look at me.

"Ummm...Dare." I say hesitantly knowing that if I choose truth she will embarrass me immediately.

"Okay, have someone take your shoes off and go barefoot for the rest of the game." Alya says with a smirk on her face.

"I could do it Marinette!" Adrien volunteers as I blush and hide my face in my hands, I extend my legs out of my criss-cross position. What if my feet stink!? What if he can't get my shoes off!? I think of all the endless possibilities. Just relax!! I say to myself. After Adrien takes off my shoes and socks, I turn to my right ready to ask him.

"O-okay, Adrien truth or dare?" I say while Adrien ponders for a moment.

"Let's try truth!" Adrien says confidently. I turn back to look at my lap and think for a second. 

"Umm...Is there anything about your life you would change, and why?"I ask as I turn back to Adrien.

"Oh, well. I would probably change the way my father treats me. Because, well, he doesn't really act like a father I guess." Adrien says while scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh I'm sorry Adrien." I say guiltily. "It's alright!" He says flashing me a smile.

"Ahhh, Nino. Truth or dare?" Adrien asks as he turns to Nino.

"Dude! You know me! Dare!" He says while punching his fist in the air.

"Okay, go out on Marinette's balcony and scream. 'I love Alya'." Adrien says with a smile. Alya and I gasp at his statement, as Nino get's up and walks over to the black ladder that lead to my balcony. As Nino climbs the ladder we all go quiet and listen for his voice; until we hear.

"I love Alyaaa!!!!!!"Nino screams before we watch him climb back down the ladder. After he was done and heading back over to us. Alya keels over laughing, clutching her stomach. 


After we all go over some more truths and dares, Alya asks me.

"Hey Mari!" She says as I raise my eyebrows and look up at her. "Huh?"

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