Ship wrecked -Extra

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This was actually a school assignment, that I turned into an extra story for this. With some tweaks. Hope you enjoy! Also the picture doesn't really have anything to do with the story.

Marinette's Pov-

As we approached the docs, for the second time this week. I look around the boat as we step inside, I see the corner that my family had rented for the journey down to Europe. As we load all of our stuff onto the boat, I see little green eyes staring at me from behind the chests. I brush it off as I settle down in the corner where I would be staying for the next few days.

I could still feel the green eyes on me, as I fall asleep in my fathers lap and I watched my brother talking with my mother about something. I didn't care at the moment, oh but boy. I should've.


As I was awoken by the outrageous cries of babies for the third time today. As I sit up from my fathers lap I groggily glare at the mother trying to shush her baby. Bored and looking for something to do, my eyes traced the cabin that we were staying in. As my eyes fly past what looked like the back of someones head resting between the chests of stuff. I do a double take, and sure enough there I stare at the back of what looked like a boys head. As I tell my father that I wanted something from my small chest of things; get up and turn around to start walking towards the chests. When I was suddenly met with those same cold green eyes, for the second time this trip. I walk over to the eyes and then they suddenly disappear. Well looks like I'll have to try harder. I think while I try to look like I'm still searching for my chest.

After a few more minutes of trying to find my chest and the person the green eyes belonged to, I gave up and just got out my hair brush. As I start to walk back to where my father was quietly chatting with my mother and my brother playing with some sticks he had found. I feel the same eyes on my back, that's when I made the mistake of suddenly turning around.

The floor creaked so loudly I accidentally woke a baby up, again. Arghhh, great. I think as I cringe and turn around only to be met with the glares of my father. I slowly walk over to my father and start to brush my hair as my father chews me out. I sigh and apologize to my father and help the mother get her baby back to sleep.


As I finally put the baby down back into the sleeping mothers arms. I guess she really need that, I think as I sigh and quietly walk back over to my families corner. I sit down and fall asleep in my fathers lap for the second time this trip.


When I awake for the third time to the rapid rocking of the boat. I sit up and see that I wasn't in my fathers lap anymore and that I was also boobing against the chests. Then I realize that there was a hand gripping my dress form the back. I turn around only to be met with the cold green eyes of my stowaway friend. I gasp as I turn around to the sudden wave of water only to be yanked backward into the safety from behind the chests. I turn around to see a boy clutching my waist, and I sitting in his lap. I blush as I turn around just in time to see a  huge wave of water. Everything goes black...


As I open my eyes, I look around to see that I wasn't on the boat anymore; but hidden in an ally way. I stand up and look down at my feet, only to see that I was standing in a good three feet of water. As the water rises I gasp for air but don't get any.


As I sit up from where the green eyed boy and I had passed out, I see the inside of the cabin. I stand and walk around only to find everyone had gone. I look around at the cabin again and see that some of the chests were strewn about the cabin. Others were tied by ropes for the people who paid extra to keep their contents safe. I turn around and look back at the boy passed out of the water soaked floor. As I walk a little closer I see that he's got blond hair and a grey shirt with a hole in the shoulder; some pants that have been squashed in dirt one to many times. I look at his arm, as I cringe while I look at his injured hand.

I gently nudge him as I squat down. I was met with the same green eyes that I knew so well by now. I sigh and start to inspect his hand. After a few moments of rummaging around the cabin looking for medical equipment. I had found some sea water soaked bandages, as I hold them in front of him he shrugs as I wrap them around his hand. He winces at the salt water touching his wound.


After scavenging around for more supplies that we might need, and ripping off the end of my dress revealing my legging that we barely scrapped do to my thick dress. As I get the boy some clothes, and walk out of the cabin for him to change I was surprised to see we hand washed into shore. I look around the beach, and I notice a town not to far away from here. I smile to myself as I turn around to look at the ship. Only to be met with the eyes of the boy who had saved my life not to long ago. I sigh again as I step down from where I was looking at the town. As I walk up to him, I notice that he is a good few inches taller than me.

I playfully pat his cheek and smile as I walk past him to get to the captains cabin. 

"I never caught your name." I say as I enter the captain quarters. Only to be met with and empty and slightly water filled room. "Great, this will be fun." I hear him say sarcastically as I shut the door and go back down to the cabin to look for something useful.


As we exit the ship with some food that, thankfully wasn't drenched in sea water. Some rope and other things that could maybe help us in this town. As we make out way towards the town I hear the boy stop walking. I turn around to see him looking straight into my eyes. "Adrien." He says flatly and walk past me like nothing happened. I turn around and catch up to him and ask, "What?"

"Adrien, that's my name. You said you never caught my name, now you have." He replies with.

"Okay then, Adrien lets go and find out where we are." I say smiling and walking a little faster. I hear him laugh as he catches up to me.


As Adrien and I step into the town square, we see an inn. As we enter I see a few broken glass shards. As I look up to see a man behind a counter serving drinks, as I walk up to it Adrien not far behind. 

"Excuse me, do you happen to know where exactly we are?" I ask as the man at the counter turns to me.

"France." He says flatly and turns back around to serve other customers.

"Wait, so we made it to Europe? Or not." Adrien asks as he turns me around with his hand. I was met with his questioning green eyes. I nod and hug the boy.

****6 years later****

"So that's how I made it to Europe!" Say to the children as they continue to stare at me intently. I hear a chuckle behind me and turn to see those green eyes that I knew so well.

"Don't tell them too many stories Mari." Adrien says as hugs me form behind and kissing my cheek, looking at my class of students. I turn back around to see my classes disgusted faces.

I chuckled as I say, "Don't worry, I still have plenty." 

Hope you liked it, tell me in the comments what you think! Ry out!

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