Nerf War -9

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What's up!!!! I hope you liked the other chapters, sorry for the slight angst last chapter don't hate me. This one won't have it, but it might IDK. This one will probably be long so, yay. My hands will be dead by the end of my writing spree. I was also listening to the song above for most the time I was writing this chapter.

Marinette's Pov- 

As Alya walked out of the school, we talked about what we were gonna do for our next bonding activity.

"I like Adrien's idea, but we would have to get another group involved or we would have to be in teams of two." I say as her and I make our way down the school's steps and head towards Nino and Adrien at the bottom.

"Well we can do boys vs girls, or couple's vs couple's." Alya says with a smirk as we sit down and wait for Adrien's limo to pick us up.

"Hmm?" Adrien gives a questing look as he tears his gaze away from the road. 

"Oh were gonna go with your idea for a Nerf War, and Nino and I are be a team. So I guess that leaves you and Marinette to be a team." Alya says with a smirk, as she drapes her arm around her boyfriend.

"Oh okay, we can do that. And since we had the last exercise at my house, Mari and I had an agreement that we would do the next one at my house." Adrien says as I blush when he says my nickname, Alya gives me a look then shrugs.

"Okay that's cool with me, Nino?" Alya says while turning to her boyfriend. "That's cool with me dude!" Nino says with a smile, and gives Adrien fist-bump.


As we wait for the limo, we chat about the off limits of the house; and how we were just gonna use Adrien's room since it was huge.

"Oh! We call the upstairs!" I say with a smirk knowing how Alya sucks at close combat.

"Good idea Mari, then we have the advantage. I also know about some secret passages in my room." Adrien whispers in my ear with a smirk.

"G-great." I say while a cherry red blush spreads across my face. As I try to flush the blush from my face I see Luka staring at me. I wave with a goofy smile on my face as he smirks, I feel Adrien tense up.

"What wrong?" I ask Adrien.

"How can you stand him?" He says not taking his eyes off of Luka.

"Well, he's nice. He's a really good friend, why do you guys hate each other." I ask as I turn back to Luka seeing him leaning against the wall to the left of the huge school doors, with a smirk?

"Umm okay well bye!" I say as I stand up and go over to him.

"Mari what are you doing?" He's says as he grabs my wrist. Seriously, I just got my blush to go away! I think as I feel the heat rush to my face again when he uses my nickname.

"Going to hug my friend while we wait for the car?" I say as I shrug and continue walking. As I walk over to Luka I notice his smirk turn into a genuine smile. As I walk over I see his smile fade as he looks at something behind me.

"Oh." I say when I notice Adrien never let go of my wrist. As I stand there while the to boys glare at each other I notice I had scooted closer to Adrien. I hear a call pull up as I was now a few inches away from Adrien with his hand still on my wrist. Apparently he heard it too because a couple seconds later he says.

"Oh Mari, the cars here, we have to go." He says while putting and arm around my waist. I mouth 'sorry' to Luka as Adrien drags me away.

"What was that about?" I say as we all get into the limo. with Alya in the front and Nino, Adrien, and I in the back. With Adrien to my left and Nino to my right.

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