Luka -8

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Hey, what's up! 

I hope you are having a good day/night. It would be amazing if you could vote, or comment on how you liked the story. I love creative criticism, I am writing this story along the way. I have some vague ideas of where I wan this to go and how it will end, but other than that I'm pretty much just winging it. So if you could vote, or comment what you liked about the chapters that would be great! Btw, I don't ship lukanette. There will be some angst in the chapters to come, just a warning!

There is some angst in this chapter but not much, sorry.

Adrien's Pov- 

As we all put our lunch trays away I make my way towards the science lab with Alya, as Nino and Marinette head to the left of the cafeteria towards math. 


As I sit down I pull my bag into my lap to find a sleeping kwami. Wow, okay. I think as I look for a pencil trying no to disturb Plagg. As I pull out my pencil and place my bag gently on the floor Alya gives me a questioning look and I just shrug and I close my bag, while I zip it up I could have sworn that I saw some yellow crumbs on Plaggs face. Strange, he probably got into my crackers. But those are too yellow to be cracker crumbs. 

I contemplate what they could have been from as my teacher starts the usual review of what we had for homework, and what we are going to do this session. 

"Ughh." I hear someone behind me say as the teacher turns his back to us to write something on the board.  As I turn behind me I see some others students taking notes, that's when my eyes land on a certain blue haired boy wearing a skull shirt. As I continue to stare he glances at me and does a double take while giving me a questioning look. 

"What?" He snaps at me while still keeping his voice at a low volume.

"Don't disrespect the teacher." I say with the same snarky tone in my voice before I turn around and continue with my notes. (An- I'm gonna make them kinda not like each other in this.)

I could feel his eyes on my back as I innocently took notes.


I look at the board I feel a little paper ball his my left shoulder. I glance down at my desk and see a crumpled up paper as I look up to see who it was from I see Alya waving to me from under her desk.

As I open the paper bringing my hands down into my lap I read

'Dude, what should we do for our group project. It's due Monday morning, and we only have one exercise done.' -AL

As I read Alya's curvy handwriting, I see my bag shake a bit in the corner of my eye. I choose to ignore it and place the paper on my notebook so it looked like I was still writing notes.

'Well we could play hide and seek Nerf war?' -AD

I crumple up the paper as quiet as I could and throw it back at Alya while the teacher's back was turned. As I throw it I hear a scoff come from behind me, I assume it was Luka. As Alya reads the note I turn to Luka and glare. 

"We are talking about a school project!" I whisper shouted, how can Marinette deal with him at all?!?

"Riiight." Luka responding with as he smirks.

"Ughh, whatever." I mutter under my breath as I turn back to my desk to see a crumpled paper ball. As I open it I cringe at the noise when the teacher turns, luckily the paper was on my desk. As he looks at me he raises and eyebrow, I look at the board and down at the paper with our exchange on it and pretend to write down some notes.

"Hmmf" My teacher turns back to the board and continues writing. I exhale a breath of relief that I didn't know I was holding as I read what Alya said.

'I think that's a good idea but we'll have to check with Nino and Mari.' -AL

I think for a second be for turning to Alya making sure that the teacher's back was turned and gave her an 'okay' sign. As I slip the paper into my bag, I hear the bell ring signaling the end of class.

"Wow, okay." I mutter, under my breath as I close my notebook and carefully put it into my bag. As I stand up I see Alya gesturing for me to follow as she walked out. I make my way towards the door only to find a hand on my shoulder. I have a questioning look on my face as I turn around, but it turns into a frown when I see who it is.

"What? Did I step on you?" Luka asks with a smirk and walk past me. As he walks out I glare daggers into the back of his head. As he walks away I make my way to English and look for Mari, I still don't know how she does it. I think as sharply turn the corner I feel someone run into my chest, I look down as I feel books dropping on my feet.

"Oh sorry, here." I say as I bend down and give the person their book back.

"Hey Marinette, you know English is that way..." I say as my voice fades I see Marinette with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Mari what happened?" I ask as I put her books to the side and give her a hug. As we were sitting there hugging I feel my jacket get wet with tears. A couple minutes later I hear the bell ring, I feel Marinette try to wriggle out of my grip.

"No, I'm not gonna let go until your better." I say as I hug her closer to me.

"I-um, well there was this girl. In m-my math class an-and as we were heading out she said s-some things to me." She said as I looked down into Marinette's teary eyes.

"Okay well we don't have to get into it if you don't want to." I say as I subconsciously rub the tears off her cheeks and kiss her forehead. Shit.  

"I-ummm, sorry instinct." I say as our cheeks go red.

"It's f-fine." Marinette says as she gathers her books and rushes to class. "Huh." I say as I look at my thumb, surprised that there was no makeup on it.

"She's doesn't need makeup to be pretty." I hear someone as I stand up. Luka. I feel the heat from my face leave, and be replaced with a scowl as I turn to see him leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"What? Not happy to see me?" Luka says with a smirk, as he get's off the wall and walks over to me.

"Listen here pretty boy, she's mine and you leave her alone." He says with a growl, and turns to walk away when I say.

"You leave her alone Luka."I say as I turn the corner and leave. After I turn the corner I break into a run, heading towards English class.

Word count- 1193

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry but I just kinda had to make Luka and Adrien rivals-ish for this story to work. I don't really have anything to say but, have a good day/night!

Ry out!

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