Chapter 23: Not yet

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The white faded as Kaira was again met with the spirit jungle.

She sucked in a deep breath and let it out after a moment. She took her hair band off and tied her hair into a loop. It was loose as always and begging for a hair cut.

She had to steer clear of Daya. How could she? Kaira wondered painfully. After all that talk about getting justice for her mom. After saying all those nice things about her. After everything. Why?

It was all part of Daya's plan. Kaira was fooled.

She had been lied to too many times and it sucked.

Spirits stared at her as tracked through the jungle to the settlement.

When she made it there, the place was as calm as ever. Her heart rate picked up. Had Daya already taken them out?

"Kaira, back so soon! " Latik's voice called.

Kaira didn't say a thing. She stared at him, fear creeping up her face.

Latik became worried, he lowered the vine and slid down himself.

"What's wrong? " He asked.

"We need to go, where's Daya? "

"Daya, the keeper? She's not here, why? Do you need her? "

"She doesn't want you all here, we need to get them out–"

"We can't leave" Latik said, "we don't have anywhere else to go"

"If you don't leave, you'll all die, please, not again" Kaira pleaded. She wasn't going to let anyone else die, not on her count.

Latik looked at the child's fear ridden face, "ok, ok I'll tell everyone"

Latik signalled to the man on the tree house. He would lift him back up. Halfway through the lift, the man stopped. Latik glanced at the spot he was, only a second ago.

Something was up.

Kaira POV

Latik swang on the vine, throwing himself back and forth, until he reached high enough to get onto the platform. I couldn't see clearer from down here, but I could've sworn he flinched. He moved forward and kneeled on a knee. His head moves side to side, searching.

His guard was up. He turned to me and beckoned me forward.

I hesitated but grabbed the vine. Latik turned the wheel and up I went. This felt too strange to be ok. When I made it up, latik put a finger to his lips and nodded at me.

He handed me a spear, from I don't know where and walked forward with his own. I flinched out of my skin when I saw the man propped up against the wheel, his face pale and cold. Just like Jin.

I let out a breath and looked away, that's when she appeared. Data. I know, it just happened. I took a shaky step back.

Latik put his hand out before me, protectively.

"Kaira" Her voice as calm as ever. "Why are you back so soon, did you take care of Malaika?"

I trembled. I was scared out of my mind, after knowing what she did. How could she?

No words could leave my mouth. What was I to say?

Latik suddenly shifted his spear towards Daya. She tilted her head only the slightest.

"After everything we've done for you, this is how you repay us...!" Latik growled.

"Humans are disgusting creatures, only looking out for themselves, destroying everything in their path for comfort and luxury. Soft. Pathetic! " Daya sneered.

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