Chapter 38 : I... have ABS!

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Thank you for the support all of you have given me. I truly appreciate it!

My eyelids are shut but it's still super bright.

Morning already?

The sun sure has guts, waking me up at the butt crack of dawn.

I feel like I haven't slept at all, my head is pounding and all this light is not helping!

What's the use of a lid for your eyes if it can't do its fracking job.

It feels like I was at a soccer match last night, only my head was the soccer ball.


Why didn't I meet the soccer team then?

It would have been better.

It's been a while since I last slept peacefully.

Well...if you count not being able to remember your dream, then it's safe to assume that it was a good dream.

I don't sleep very well, usually I wake up in a cold sweat with my heart pounding in my ears.

Wonder why this didn't happen tonight.

My head hurts too much for me to even want to think.

Lemme just hop out of bed and look for some pain medication.

I open my eyes slowly to see why it's so bright.

I'm facing a window that touches the ceiling, no wonder it's so bright.

They don't have curtains.

Oh, it's one of those freaky nightmares.

The curtains open automatically, they have weird shutters that close at sundown and open at dawn.

I am not a morning person and I need to eat.

Now, I just need to roll over.

I try to move but something's not letting me.

My shoulder feels kinda heavy and my waist is constricted, like I have abs or something.


Did I get abs over night?

Nah, I already have them.

I've had them for many years and they're not tight at all.




Okay my legs are pretty sore so maybe that's why I can't move, besides my head hurts, all movement is restricting.

Let's try this again, heeve!


I'm pulled back again, this time I hear a deep groan.

Oh ma gosh.

What was that.

Is there a bear in my room?

Wait, the last time I checked, my room does not have automatic windows.

This is freaking me out.

Third time's the charm right?

I stick my leg forward but the grip around my waist tightens.

Holy potato chips!

It's somebody's arms wrapped around my waist.

If the windows aren't mine...

And the arms are human...

I don't have a six pack

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