Part 1

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Park Chanyeol. He was the best thing and the worst thing that had ever happened to me. I stood in the pouring rain as it soaked through my clothes. Watching him leave in his silver Mercedes G-Wagon, I couldn't help but cry. He had broken my heart...

* * *

My roommate had been seeing this guy for a few weeks now. His name was Jongin. She told me that it was beginning to get serious but I had to laugh: she hadn't had a serious relationship for years. I had met him on a few occasions and I thought that he was a nice enough guy. In fact, I actually thought that he was a really lovely, thoughtful person. When he came over, he always took his shoes off and would leave the place clean and tidy. I liked someone who was clean and tidy. They spent most of their time in her room, apparently watching dramas and films but I was sceptical. I often heard salacious giggling creeping from under the door. Part of me felt jealous because I was sat in my room, listening to music or reading. I hadn't met anyone who had swept me off my feet like Jongin had swept her off her feet.

"Jongin wants to take us out," she said one Friday night. I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. I wasn't someone who enjoyed going out in the traditional sense. I preferred listening to music or watching films. Boring, I know.

"Oh, Chae!" I whinged as I rolled my eyes at her. "I hate going out, especially when I'm going to be the third wheel." It would be awkward to sit there and watch them make out whilst I stirred my straw around in my drink.

"Honestly, it will be fine. Anyway, he wants to introduce you to his friend."

I pursed my lips. Great, a blind date with some bozo.

"Don't give me that look!" she laughed as she chucked a pillow from the sofa at me. "Jongin assures me that this friend is very handsome and very funny."

"FINE!" I relented. I could work with handsome and funny.

"I am going to wear this red dress," she said as she took me into her room and pulled out the skimpiest red dress I had ever seen. It was very revealing. "You can wear this one." She threw a matching black one towards me.

"Erm, this is very low cut, Chae..." I replied showing my concern.

"So! We're going to a club, it's not like we're going to afternoon tea with the Queen."

I had to laugh at my roommate, she liked to state the obvious.

We got ready together and made sure we had pristine make up. I had gone for the 'smokey eye' vamp look with long, straight hair. I made sure that I had my leather jacket over my dress; even though Chae was going to force me to go out clubbing, I still wanted to be true to my rock'n'roll style. As we clambered into the taxi, I took a deep breath, hoping that I wasn't just going to sit next to Chae and Jongin making out all night because that would be boring.

As we entered the club, I could hear the bass pumping loudly in my ears. Chae held my wrist as we meandered through the people dancing and drinking. I was already wishing that I was back in my cosy bed, listening to music and reading a book. Suddenly, Chae squealed and let go of my wrist: she had spotted Jongin and was running into his arms. Not knowing whether to stand there like a lost sock or to follow her and become the third wheel, I decided to go to the bar to get some alcohol. Alcohol always worked well in this situation.

I approached the bar and rested my elbows upon the cool, metallic surface. Upon eyeing up the menu, I decided to order myself a double vodka lemonade: I needed something strong. I tried to catch the bartenders eye but he was busy serving everyone else. I began tapping my fingers on the bar impatiently as I waited to be served. Finally, after waiting an eternity, the bartender served me and I put the sweet alcoholic drink to my lips.

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