Part 12

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I didn't sleep very well all weekend. Chanyeol was constantly on my mind. After Jongin had left, Chae asked me what was wrong but I told her that I was just feeling tired and had a headache. She seemed suspicious but I was sure that Jongin hadn't said anything to her. Going to work on Monday worried me. There were two weeks of recording left with EXO. Half of the work was done and things were starting to come together nicely. Monday's recording session was with Chanyeol, Junmyeon and Jongin: because that wouldn't be awkward...

Monday morning came and I was sat at my desk when they all came in with Tan. I couldn't look any of them in the eyes but I had to remain professional. Forcing a smile, I bid them all good morning and watched the boys sit down on the couch. Junymeon was his usual polite self, engaging with conversation as he asked how everyone was. Jongin sat smiling, pretending there was no underlying drama. On the other hand, the situation was written all over Chanyeol's face. He pulled his beanie over down over his brows and I could tell he was sulking. In fact, he carried on sulking all through the day; only behaving when he was recording his rapping and singing.

At lunch time, Wae had asked me to grab some food for everyone as they were busy and needed to carry on recording. Junmyeon and Jongin were sat down on the couch, playing games on their phones. Chanyeol was slouched over his laptop ignoring everyone.

"Boys, would you like me to fetch you some food?" I asked them. The air was thick with tension and I could tell that Jongin and Junmyeon were thinking about the ridiculous situation.

"I'll have the same as Tan please," Junmyeon answered.

"Me too," Jongin replied.

There was another silence as Chanyeol didn't reply. I knew I had to break the ice and ask him: it would be rude if I didn't.

"Chanyeol, what do you want?"

He looked up at me and frowned.

"Nothing," he bluntly replied.

I rolled my eyes at him. Why is he being like this?

"Fine," I snapped as I grabbed my coat and left. I wasn't going to pander to his sulk.

When I came back with lunch, QM was not impressed that I hadn't brought anything back for Chanyeol.

"He said he didn't want anything," I explained as I placed the sandwiches down on the table for everyone.

"You should have got him something," QM snapped angrily at me. He was clearly stressed with the recording and was taking it out on me.

"Why didn't you think of just picking up something extra? I swear your head is not in the game today. You really need to get with the programme because it's stressing us all out."

I clenched my jaw together to try and dissipate the anger that was building up inside of me. Great, Chanyeol was getting me into trouble with my boss now.

"I'll go out and fetch some fried chicken. It's not a problem." I glared at Chanyeol who was still sat at his laptop.

"No. I said I don't want anything," he snapped, eyes still fixed to the screen.

The room was quiet as everyone started to feel awkward. I looked at QM and shrugged.

"See." I sucked my teeth at Chanyeol, pointing at him but instantly regretted doing so in front of my boss.

"Don't be so rude!" QM shouted at me. He hadn't shouted at me before. Ever. It shocked me so I slunk back into the shadows, backing slowly up to the wall.

"Actually, get your stuff and work from home. Your negative energy is disruptive and unprofessional." He looked at Tan and EXO. "I deeply apologise for her behaviour. She's never like this."

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